Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

Aihana Etsu could refer to:

  • Aihana Etsu: The true 6th-ranked Level 5 Esper, who allows others to make use of his name.
  • Aihana Etsu (Learning Core): A boy who used Aihana Etsu's name, present during the battle at the Learning Core.
  • Kanou Shinka: A boy who took Aihana Etsu's name when going to the Dianoid to look for clues concerning his friend Frenda Seivelun.
  • Aihana Etsu (imposter, NT12): A boy who used Aihana Etsu's name and met Kanou Shinka.
  • Aihana Etsu (death game participant, NT12): A girl who participated in a death game and was later rescued by Yokosuka.
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Aihana EtsuAikaAirportAliceAlphaAmanoAnacondaAnnaArcAsajimoAsakuraAyaneBaileyBirdwayBlood SignBlueshakeBrainCenserCharlesCitrinitasCondorCrowleyDaihasei Festival ArcDevilEdwardEllisEsperExicaFlackFlakehelmGeorgeGhost GirlGokusaiGremlinGroceryHajimeHanatsuyuHarukiHishigataHoujouIdealJaneJuntaKamijouKanouKanzakiKazumaKnightsKongouKumokawaLolaMamiMarianMarionetteMartinMaryMathersMegumiMihoMisakaMisakiNagisaNakamuraOyafunePadpoisPeterPietroPopePrototypeRailgunRakuokaRosenthalRyoukoRyoutaSakibasuSakurazakaSeivelunSequenziaSphereSpringSuzuranThoth TarotToaru Kagaku no AcceleratorToaru Kagaku no RailgunToaru Majutsu no IndexTobioTsuchimikadoTsukasaUnabaraWeather GirlWilliamYoshikoYoukoYugureYumiYumiyaYuri