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"The Wind in My Sails" (帆を押す風 Ho wo Osu Kaze?) is the 29th chapter of the Astral Buddy manga, released on June 27th 2020.


Mitsuari is shocked to discover the changes behind the scenes; instead of news about Yuuri Senya, she saw rumors of the girl being a mere PR stunt created by an entertainment company as well as "news" about the Level 5s working as idols. In addition, all of her social media accounts have been locked out. As Mitsuari fails to contact Houjou Seigo and faces the possibility of actual defeat, she begins to consider attempting suicide again.

Misaki soon reaches Junko and the ghost girl to tell them that although the immediate danger has been resolved, they still need to use Ideal's powers, this time for Yuuri Senya's sake. After an emotional exchange between the three, Junko agrees.

Major Events[]

  • Misaki foils the social media part of Mitsuari's plan by using misinformation against misinformation.
  • To spend the remaining powers generated by Ideal, Junko and Misaki agree to use it for Yuuri Senya's sake.


By order of appearance:





Cultural References[]

  • The chapter makes a pun with Junko's family name, Hokaze, with her calling Senya "the wind in my sails", and Hokaze actually meaning "Sail Wind".

Unanswered Questions[]

No unanswered questions currently recorded for this chapter/episode.



v  e
Astral Buddy
Volume 1 12345
Volume 2 678910111212.5
Volume 3 13141516171819
Volume 4 2021222324252627282930
Other Chapters 5.521.5