Category for all known images that have been used as the primary picture of a character page's profile. It should commonly be in 16:9 ratio since that is usually the best resolution anime releases are in, of course, this is not a standard. The most important aspect of a profile picture is that it fully shows the character's face, and that it doesn't take up much space when it is minimized by wikia (hence the ratio).
It is encouraged that pictures should at least have the name of the character they represent, nevertheless, if a picture is unvailable, other pictures found in the wikia that suit the needs of the character's profile should suffice.
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All items (1296)
- File:Accelerator (Anime).png
- File:Accelerator - 3rd Anniversary (IF).jpg
- File:Accelerator Accel.jpg
- File:Accelerator Idol.jpg
- File:Accelerator Imaginary Fest.jpg
- File:Accelerator Manga.jpg
- File:Accelerator Novel GT.jpg
- File:Accelerator Novel.jpg
- File:Accelerator profile.jpg
- File:Accelerator Railgun.png
- File:Acqua Manga.PNG
- File:Acqua Novel.jpg
- File:Acqua of the Back (Navbox).png
- File:Acqua of the Back Idol.PNG
- File:Acqua of the Back IF.jpg
- File:Acqua profile.jpg
- File:AcquaAnime.jpg
- File:Agata Manga.jpg
- File:Agata profile.jpg
- File:Agnese Idol.jpg
- File:Agnese profile.png
- File:Agnese Sanctis Manga.jpg
- File:Agnese Sanctis Novel.jpg
- File:Agnese Sanctis profile.png
- File:Agnese Sanctis Railgun.png
- File:Aihana Etsu ambiguous pfp.jpg
- File:Ainame Caroline.jpg
- File:Aiwass (anime).jpg
- File:Aiwass (Anime).png
- File:Aiwass (GT Novel).jpg
- File:AizonoMio profile.jpg
- File:Akemi Railgun.png
- File:Akemi.png
- File:Albert Dying.png
- File:Aleister (girl).jpg
- File:Aleister Crowley (Anime).jpg
- File:Aleister Crowley Manga.png
- File:Aleister Crowley Novel.jpg
- File:Aleister in Coronzon's Body.png
- File:Alfar (Railgun).PNG
- File:Alfar profile.jpg
- File:Alice Anotherbible (Adult).jpg
- File:Alice Anotherbible (Back).png
- File:Alice Anotherbible (Front).png
- File:Amahebi Saeka.png
- File:Amai Ao Manga.png
- File:Amai Ao Novel.jpg
- File:Amai Ao Railgun.png
- File:Amai Ao.png
- File:Amano Ayane.png
- File:Amata (IF).jpg
- File:Amime (Anime).png
- File:Amime.JPG
- File:Anego.png
- File:Angelene (IF).jpg
- File:Angelene Idol.jpg
- File:Angelene Manga.jpg
- File:Angelene Novel Profile.png
- File:Angelene Novel.jpg
- File:Angelene profile.jpg
- File:Angelene Railgun.jpg
- File:Anna Kingsford.png
- File:Anna Sprengel (GT2).jpg
- File:Anna Sprengel.jpg
- File:Annie Horniman.jpg
- File:Aogami Idol.jpg
- File:Aogami Pierce (IF).jpg
- File:Aogami Pierce (Railgun).png
- File:Aogami Pierce Manga.jpg
- File:Aogami Pierce Novel.jpg
- File:Aohoshi Suzuran Profile Railgun.png
- File:Aoki (Anime).png
- File:Aoki.JPG
- File:Aopi.png
- File:Aradia.png
- File:Archangel Gabriel (Anime).png
- File:Archangel Michael (manga).png
- File:Aritomi Haruki-profile.jpg
- File:Asakura Olivia Moa.png
- File:Asato Kisa (Anime).png
- File:Asato Kisa (Mental Out).png
- File:Asato Kisa (Railgun).jpg
- File:Asato Kisa (Railgun, 1 Year Ago).png
- File:Atsushi Railgun.jpg
- File:Aureolus Dummy Profile.jpg
- File:Aureolus Izzard (IF).jpg
- File:Aureolus Manga.jpg
- File:Aureolus Novel.jpg
- File:Aureolus.png
- File:Awatsuki Maaya Idol.jpg
- File:Awatsuki Maaya Imaginary Fest.jpg
- File:Awatsuki Maaya Manga.png
- File:Awatsuki Maaya Novel.jpg
- File:Awatsuki Maaya Railgun.png
- File:Awatsuki Maaya RailgunT (Anime).png
- File:Awatsuki Maaya.png
- File:Azumi profile.jpg
- File:Baba Yoshio (IF).jpg
- File:Baba Yoshio (Manga).PNG
- File:Baba Yoshio manga-profile.jpg
- File:Baba Yoshio Novel.jpg
- File:Baba Yoshio Railgun.png
- File:Baba Yoshio.jpg
- File:BabaYoshio-AnimeProfile.png
- File:Balbina Novel.jpg
- File:Balbina.png
- File:Bardway-sama.jpg
- File:Bardway.jpg
- File:Bayloupe (Anime).jpg
- File:Bayloupe (Anime).png
- File:Bayloupe (Manga).jpg
- File:Bayloupe (OP).png
- File:Bayloupe Imaginary Fest.jpg
- File:Bayloupe profile.png
- File:BeastHeroine profile.jpg
- File:Beetle 05 (IF).jpg
- File:Beginning Child.png
- File:Benizome Jellyfish.jpg
- File:Beverly Seethrough (manga).jpg
- File:BeverlySeethrough profile.jpg
- File:Biagio Manga.jpg
- File:Biagio Novel.jpg
- File:Biagio profile.jpg
- File:Blodeuwedd.png
- File:Bologna Succubus.jpg
- File:Boy with goggles Railgun Manga.JPG
- File:Boy with goggles-profile.JPG
- File:Brunhild Eiktobel (Railgun).PNG
- File:Brunhild Eiktobel.jpg
- File:Carissa (Anime).png
- File:Carissa (Manga).png
- File:Carissa Imaginary Fest.jpg
- File:Carissa Profile.png
- File:Caterina Manga.jpg
- File:Cendrillon (IF).jpg
- File:Cendrillon profile.jpg
- File:Charles Conder Manga.jpg
- File:Charles ConderProfile.jpg
- File:Chef.png
- File:Chicken.PNG
- File:Chief of Doppelganger Experiment.PNG
- File:Chimera.png
- File:Chisa.PNG
- File:City Macabre.jpg
- File:Claire Profile.jpg
- File:Coronzon.png
- File:Crow 7 (manga).PNG
- File:Crow7-profile.jpg
- File:Cynthia Exment.jpg
- File:Daedalus Sequenzia (manga).PNG
- File:Daedalus sequenzia-movie.jpg
- File:Daigo sensei.png
- File:Darris Hewlane (Citrinitas).jpg
- File:Darris Hewlane (Normal).jpg
- File:Dedicatus.jpg
- File:Depart (Anime).png
- File:Depart (Manga).png
- File:Digurv (Anime).png
- File:Dion Fortune.png
- File:Dolly (Mental Out).jpg
- File:Dolly Anime (New Body).png
- File:Dolly New Body (Railgun).png
- File:Doppelganger (IF).jpg
- File:Drencher Kihara Repatri.jpg
- File:Edasaki Banri Railgun S (Anime).png
- File:Edasaki Banri Railgun.png
- File:Edasaki Banri.png
- File:Eiker (Anime).png
- File:Eiker Lugoni (Manga).png
- File:Ekalielya Pronskaya (Anime).jpg
- File:Ekaterina Railgun.png
- File:Elder Sister Railgun.png
- File:Elizalina (Anime).png
- File:Elizalina Profile.jpg
- File:Elizard (Anime).png
- File:Elizard (Manga).png
- File:Elizard (Novel).png
- File:Ellasone profile.jpg
- File:Ellen Profile.jpg
- File:Ellis profile.png
- File:Elza Profile.jpg
- File:EmanationTouma Novel.png
- File:Enjou Kasumi.png
- File:Enjou.png
- File:Esther (PV).jpg
- File:Esther Rosenthal (Anime).png
- File:Esther Rosenthal Accel.jpg
- File:Esther Rosenthal Idol.png
- File:Esther Rosenthal Imaginary Fest.png
- File:Esther Rosenthal-profile.png
- File:Etzali (Anime).png
- File:Etzali (Index II).jpg
- File:Etzali Idol.jpg
- File:Etzali Manga.png
- File:Etzali Novel.jpg
- File:Etzali Railgun.png
- File:Etzali Unmasked.jpg
- File:Eyepatch Ghost.png