Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki
Heaven Canceller (冥土帰し (ヘヴンキャンセラー) Meido Gaeshi (Hevun Kyanserā)?, lit. "Rescuer from the Other World"), often mentioned as "the Frog-faced Doctor" by Touma and many other people, is an exceptionally-gifted and benevolent physician known by those who were cared by him or informed personel. While he may seem just like any other normal doctor, this medical genius also happens to be an acquaintance of the General Director of Academy City, Aleister Crowley, as he manages the machines that extend Aleister's life span while still supporting the foundation of the city itself.


He is bald-headed and his remaining hair has turned grey. He is always seen wearing a doctor's outfit appearing to be slightly fat. His face is his trademark being the appearance similar to a frog. [1] It should be noted that the doctor might even poke fun that he looks as a Frog, as in his ID card he has an sticker that has a frog [1].


He loves to be relied upon by his patients and will do his best to fulfill their requests. [2] [3] The doctor has followed the Hippocratic Oath faithfully, even though he calls himself Accelerator's "senpai" and said he has lived through and seen much more darkness compared to Accelerator. He still wishes to help anyone no matter who they are and which side they come from, even after all that he has seen. After Vento's attack on Academy City on September 30th, he displays anger when warning Aleister to stop messing around with his patients, to which Aleister replied the only way for that to happen is to stop the machine that prolongs Aleister's life. However, he could not do so, since even after all Aleister has done he is still one of his patients. [4] In Academy City, he is opposed to Kihara Gensei, with his benevolent methods and adherence to the Hippocratic Oath conflicting with Gensei's desire to advance science no matter the cost.


Before meeting with Aleister in Great Britain, he was the one that came up with the idea of establishing Academy City when he first met Aleister Crowley in a small village in England many years ago when Aleister was on the verge of death from being hunted down by the entire Magic Side. He helped Aleister escape to Japan and helped him establish the city, but instead of taking on the role of the founder, he preferred to stay at a hospital, where he can care for patients like he had always done.


Heaven Canceller is hinted to have a ability that allows him to heal practically any sickness or injury, even if it is terminal. He cannot however bring back the dead, patients must be brought to him alive in order for him to heal them and he is also unable to heal specific brain-related injuries, such as Touma's destroyed memories and Accelerator's computation ability; however, in the latter case, he was able to configure Accelerator to control his powers with support from the Misaka Network.

He also is the creator of the "Dark Legacy," a tool discarded a long time ago, probably during his young age, which is now on Aleister's hands and used to keep the #4 Level 5 Mugino Shizuri alive and preserve the brain of the #2 Level 5, Kakine Teitoku after the events of the Volume 15.


  • "Who do you think I am?" (Said various times to various people when they asked about whether or not the patient could be saved.)
  • Actually, there’s a close relationship between medicine and the supernatural… I don’t mean that there are ghosts inside this hospital, you know? It’s just that sometimes, due to religious reasons, a blood transplant won’t do, an operation won’t do, and saving one person’s life would end up with that person suing us. Thus, as a doctor, the way to treat these spiritual groups is to ‘follow what the patient says’” (Epilogue of Volume 1)
  • Hn? Please don't be mistaken though. I prefer to 'do it' than to be 'done in'. And I prefer the delivery platform to the operation table--” (Epilogue of Volume 2)
  • "This is my battlefield, and no matter what, I will return from my battlefield with my patients healed" (Volume 5, epilogue. Said to Yoshikawa when she asked about Accelerator's survival.)
  • "I've seen a hell far worse than any you have ever seen, and I have survived. Don't look down on the profession of a doctor, I've probably seen more blood and tears than you, I just didn't become a tragedy. That is why I'm called Heaven Canceller" (Volume 13, Chapter 6. Said to Accelerator when he accused Heaven Canceller of being only a doctor and not knowing anything about the darkness of Academy City.)
  • "It doesn't matter if her arms are broken, her skin gets torn off, or even if her internal organs are damaged; as long as you get her to me alive, I will definitely cure her. I will protect her life, and regardless of any physical or mental wounds, I will heal it, and let her stand before you whole again" (Volume 13, Chapter 6. Said to Accelerator, telling him to focus on getting Last Order back as first priority, and not to bite off more than he can chew.)

Character Art Designs


  1. 1.0 1.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 1 Epilogue
  2. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 10 Epilogue Part 4
  3. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 1 Part 1
  4. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Epilogue

