Monthly Shōnen Gangan (月刊少年ガンガン Gekkan Shōnen Gangan?) is a monthly Japanese Shōnen manga magazine published by Square Enix. The Toaru Majutsu no Index manga started serialization in Monthly Shōnen Gangan in April 2007. The magazine is scheduled to release on the 12th of each month except weekend and holiday.
Shōnen Gangan was launched by Enix (now Square Enix) in 1991 and is targeted toward the same young, male demographic "Shōnen" science fiction and fantasy elements in the stories are very common. Square Enix also publishes the related Gangan YG, Monthly GFantasy, Gangan Online, and Monthly Gangan Joker.
List of Toaru Series Works[]
- Toaru Majutsu no Index (2007-Present)
- Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion (2013)
- Toaru Nichijou no Index-san (2013-2016)
- Toaru Majutsu no Heavy na Zashiki-warashi ga Kantan na Satsujinki no Konkatsu Jijou (2015)
External Links[]
- Monthly Shōnen Gangan Official Website
- Gangan Comics (Wikipedia article)
- @shonen_gangan - Official Twitter