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Saints (聖人 Seijin?) are powerful people on the Magic Side, who possess bodily characteristics that match those of the Son of God and allow them to draw on his power, with less than 20 of them in the world. Their existence is also called 'Child of God'.

Saint is also used as a religious title in Christianity, given to notable individuals who lived or are said to have lived in the past and accomplished miracles by the strength of their faith, making them subjects of holiness and veneration. The stories of Saints also form the basis of various forms of magic.

This article covers both Saints as in the individuals who possess bodily characteristics corresponding to the Son of God and those given the religious title.


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Saint, seijin

The English word Saint is derived from the Latin sanctus (meaning "holy").


Individuals with special bodily characteristics[]

The theory behind their power is based on Idol Theory, where a replica of a more powerful being or item can also gain a tiny portion of the original's strength. Humans are said to be made in the image of God, and Saints are said to be a higher replica, with skeletons and organ placement identical to the Son of God's,[1] and thus can bring out more strength.[2] This condition is similar to a mutation, and not something inherited from parent to child.[3]

Acqua's Stigma

A Saint invoking the Stigma.

The special bodily characteristics that allow a Saint to draw out a portion of the Son of God's power are sometimes inaccurately referred to as Stigma (聖痕スティグマ Seikon (Sutiguma)?) (plural Stigmata), however, this technically refers to stab wounds of unknown cause appearing in the same places as the stab wounds the Son of God received on the cross - wounds which the Saints don't necessarily have.[4] However, it is apparently possible for Saints to acquire these marks if their body is purified and synchronized further with that of the Son of God.[5]

Traits that most Saints have include superhuman physical strength, incredible speed, capable of channeling a larger amount of mana compared to normal magicians, and superhuman senses. Examples of superhuman senses are demonstrated many times in the novels, when it was stated Kanzaki Kaori have vision of 8.0[6] and Acqua of the Back can hear a whisper from over 10m away.[citation needed] Some Saints possess blood with special healing properties.[7][1]


Due to their nature, Saints in general are weak to attacks that resemble how the Son of God was killed (being stabbed, a crown of Thorns, and the crucifix), though this weakness normally is inconsequential since most magicians don't have the power to exploit these weaknesses, and most saints are aware of this problem and take measure to prevent them being affected by the weakness.

Toaru Majutsu no Index III E08 15m 42s

Itsuwa using the Saint Destroyer against Acqua of the Back.

The spell Saint Destroyer designed by the Amakusa Church aims to disrupt the balance of holy power and magic power inside a saint, and against a normal saint it only temporarily brings them down to levels like a normal human. In Amakusa's fight against Acqua of the Back, the Saint Destroyer made him self-destruct because he has too much power due to his role as one of the God's Right Seat as well.[8]

It is also possible for a Saint to use up too much power, past the limits of the human body, and destroy themselves.[9][10][11] This was demonstrated when Kanzaki Kaori fought Misha Kreutzev during the Angel Fall incident and was on the brink of over-exertion and death before Motoharu blasted the ritual location.[11] Some Saints can also fall victim to their own power in other ways, such as meeting obstructions and failing sharp turns at supersonic speed without adequate protection.[10][12][13] Saints generally prefer quick battles to avoid harming themselves.[14]


There is a path which many Saints, such as Kanzaki Kaori and Brunhild Eiktobel, go down due to their nature. Being born with rare qualities, they are often on the receiving end of the darker side of human nature and this not only affects them but also the few people that have truly connected with them, who don't share these unique traits that allow them to survive most attacks against them. As a result, loved ones may be caught in a trap meant for the Saint and likely perish while they live on.[15]

When this happens, the Saint wouldn't resign themselves to fate and give up - this feeling is strong in them because they are Saints, and thus possess characteristics similar to the Son of God, who in one story raised the dead, allowing them to use a portion of his power. Knowing this and the smiles of the people who cared about them, they would seriously think about detailed and absurd plans to miraculously save them, store up power and accurately carry them out, not giving up without trying - their actions opposing the image given by the word Saint.[15]

In the end though, they all despair for none of these plans would work and no matter what the people whose minds and bodies were destroyed would never return to normal. In trying to bring their loved ones back, they lose sight of the simple fact that human life isn't such a simple thing. After wearing themselves down, trying everything and offering all they have, they fail, despair, then finally come to terms with the deaths of the ones they cared about.[15]


Saints have rankings akin to the seven Level 5s of Academy City,[16] which is based on their level of contribution to society.[17]

Saint as a religious title[]

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Sections, nature of miracles, site of a Saint's end[18]

As well as referring to individuals with bodily characteristics matching the Son of God and possessing power as a result of it, saint is also used as a religious title in Christianity, given to notable individuals for their feats of faith. The former and the later uses of 'Saint', although distinct, are not mutually exclusive, and even if the latter is not the former, they may have had their own kind of power.

The individuals who were given the title 'Saint' in this sense, are people who lived or believed to have lived in the past, who are said to have accomplished great feats, with some being considered miracles, by the strength of their faith. As a result, they have become subjects of holiness and veneration.

Similar to other titles, saints are often referred to with the title in front of their name (e.g. Saint George (聖ジョージ Sei Jōji?)), which can also written in the shortened but identically pronounced form St. ( Sei?) (e.g. St. George).

Some of the earliest saints include the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Son of God (being said to be the greatest saint for carrying out the most important task in Christianity),[19] most of his primary disciples, the Twelve Apostles,[citation needed] and a number of their pupils, converts and people directly touched by their feats.[citation needed]


St. Peter's crucifixion, as depicted in the manga.

Due to the persecution of Christians in the early days of Christianity, by the Roman Empire and others, many of the early saints were also martyrs, being killed after refusing to renounce their faith.[20][21] Some were crucified in a similar manner to the Son of God, though a number chose to die on a different type of cross (considering themselves unworthy of dying in the exact same way), such as St. Peter and St. Andrew, with these crosses becoming their symbols.[22]

Although many saints originate from historical record or solely Christian tales, there are a number of saints who are actually derived from older gods and legendary figures of other religions, mythologies and cultures, which have ended up being incorporated into the supposedly monotheistic Christianity under a changed name.[23] Additionally, there are various figures whose stories have been distorted or embellished (intentionally or unintentionally),[23] and individuals who are completely fictional creations.[23] There are some differences in the individuals who are accepted and considered as saints between different denominations of Christianity, as well as in processes of canonization.[citation needed]

Following Idol Theory, the stories and symbols of saints are used for a variety of spells and spiritual items.[24][25][26][27][28] Some objects, held to be physical remains or personal effects of saints, are considered holy relics (遺物 Ibutsu?) and believed to hold power.[29][30][31] The sites at which certain Saints met their end or been laid to rest have acted as foundations for churches to build upon.[18]

Saints are often subjects of religious artwork and sculpture,[32] with some of them designed for magical effect.[citation needed] For example, St. Peter's Square has 140 saint statues overlooking the grounds which keep the plaza under strict magical security.[33] Numerous churches and cathedrals around the world are named after or dedicated to saints.[citation needed]

Patron Saints[]

Patron saints (守護聖人 Shugo Seijin?) are saints who are said to advocate or be associated with a place, group, activity, symbol or other subject, often related to the stories of their life, feats and fate.[22][34] The magical method known as Ex Voto uses patron saints as intermediates for prayer when asking the Son of God for miracles.[35] Archangel Michael is considered as patron saint as well as an angel.[36][37]


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Usage of term outside of Christianity

Outside of Christianity, but in part due to its influence, the term 'saint' has been used to refer to individuals considered particularly virtuous, and as a translation for similar concepts in other cultures.



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Arc divisions

Toaru Majutsu no Index[]

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Arc divisions

Daihasei Festival Arc[]

Main article: Daihasei Festival Arc (Index)

The magic-related events which transpired during the first day of the Daihaseisai revolved around a saint-related spiritual item, initially thought to be the Stab Sword, a supposed weapon said to be capable of killing Saints,[38] and later revealed to be the Croce di Pietro, which was deeply connected to St. Peter.[39][18][40]

La Regina del Mare Adriatico Arc[]

Main article: La Regina del Mare Adriatico Arc

Biagio Busoni's cross-based magic included spells based on meanings derived from the stories of saints.[41][42]

Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Kanzaki[]

Main article: Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Kanzaki Kaori
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Brunhild/Kanzaki - Nature and fate of Saints[15]

Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience[]

Main article: Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience
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Use of saints in the Agnese Forces spells, discussion of saints (martyrs, assimilation, other etc)[43]

While dealing with the incidents instigated by the Guild, Agnese Sanctis, Lucia and Angelene made use of various spells based on saints,[24][25][26][27][28] and also discussed subjects related to them,[44][23][45] such as the martyrdom of early saints in the days of the Roman Empire,[45][26] and how some saints and parts of their stories were invented or assimilated from elsewhere.[23]

Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index[]

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Arc divisions

Coronzon Arc[]

Main article: Coronzon Arc

During the Crowley's Hazard invasion of the United Kingdom, the coastal defences aimed at repelling the army crossing the Strait of Dover included emblems which were meant to fire the curses and divine punishments of patron saints.[46][47] Earlier, when temporarily sealing Coronzon, Aleister had made use of a spell based on St. Margaret, stepping on the demon to diminish her power prior to sealing her.[46]

Later, in her battle with Kanzaki Kaori and the Knight Leader in London, Aleister Crowley said that while Saints are difficult to reproduce and have an obvious charisma, their power was so inconsistent and unstable that their flashy actions are mostly just hiding the actual losses.[14] When defeating Kanzaki, Aleister spoke of why various Christian sects placed an emphasis on Saints, whom she described as fools who were blessed from birth, were satisfied with that and ceased thinking. She declared that it was not because of value in rarity or being overwhelmed by miraculous power, but because they were no more than a convenient form of miracle, as unlike an immortal god or angels, the Son of God and patron saints have methods of execution and death clearly laid out, allowing the organization to swiftly remove the individual if they stray from what the group wants.[14]

In the final battle with the reproduced Mathers, Aleister made use of a staff based on St. Christopher and a magical enhancement based on the pentagrammaton, which eventually led to her acquiring stigmata as her body was purified and synchronized with that of the Son of God.[5] She later made use of this, following the tale of St. Longinus, to heal Kamijou Touma with her blood after he was grievously injured by Coronzon.[48]

Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index[]

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Arc divisions

New Year's Eve Arc[]

Main article: New Year's Eve Arc

During the events surrounding the Transcendents in Shibuya on December 31st, it was noted with that any spell used by someone is built from the basics of magic, with Saints mentioned as one of the few exceptions, alongside Magic Gods and Alice Anotherbible.[49]

Known Saints[]

There are known to be less than 20 Saints in the world as of the story's first year. These are the Saints seen or mentioned in the series thus far:

  • Kanzaki Kaori
  • William Orwell - Lost his Saint powers in World War III.
  • Silvia - Higher rank than Brunhild.[16]
  • Brunhild Eiktobel - Lower rank than Silvia.[16] A Saint–Valkyrie.
  • Number Ten Saint (第10位の聖人 Dai Jūi no Seijin?) - Not much is known of them, except that he/she has been continually flying through the sky for years.[50][17]
  • Kanzaki Kigomi (神裂キゴミ Kanzaki Kigomi?) - Not much is known of her, except that she is the only successful example of standard saint with spiritual item assisted.[51]

Special cases[]

  • Meigo Arisa - Due to her strange existence, she was temporarily ranked as the ninth Saint, and it is speculated by Kanzaki that she could outclass her if her powers awaken.[52] It is likely her Saint rank is stripped after she merges back with Shutaura Sequenzia.
  • Pantagruel - The antagonist of the Toaru Majutsu to Kagaku no Ensemble game temporarily made himself into a Saint using his spell. He inputted Kanzaki's body parameters into his own body in order to gain the "parameters" of being a Saint. As a result, he gains the speed equal to that of a Saint like Kanzaki.[53]

Historical Saints[]

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Improvement needed for Descriptions and older Usage examples
Agnese SS, New Saint Descriptions - Sebastian/Ursula/Amandus/Benedict/Vincent
Andrew/Vitus Agnese SS Ch3 examples need refining

These are some of the historical figures who have held the title 'Saint'. The stories surrounding them form the basis for various spells in the series.

Saint Description Usage in Toaru Majutsu no Index
Virgin Mary Mother of the Son of God, Queen of All Saints, patroness of the United States, France, and many more countries.
Peter One of the twelve apostles of the Son of God and first Pope.
Andrew Apostle of the Son of God and the brother of St. Peter.
  • St. Andrew's Cross
  • The story of St. Andrew was used as the basis for Telenor's earthquake spell.[54]
  • The story of St. Andrew was mentioned alongside that of St. Vitus, as a case of a painful demonstration to the people being used to show the world god's glory, divine punishment and wrath being a part of god's will.[44]
George Roman army officer and patron saint of England.
Longinus Blind Roman soldier who, at the Cruxifiction, pierced the Son of God’s side with his lance to confirm his death, resulting in the spraying blood falling on his eyes and healing his blindness, making him convert.[48]
Blaise Bishop of Sebaste (modern-day Sivas, Turkey) and martyr. Usually invoked against throat diseases.
  • St. Blaise swimming spell: A sea current manipulation spell allowing a human to swim around the world in only three days.
  • The doors to the core of La Regina del Mare Adriatico defensive spell.[58]
Catherine Patron of unmarried girls, apologists, and craftsmen who work on a wheel such as potters and spinners. Legend has it that she was executed by being put on a spiked breaking wheel.
  • The Legend of the Wheel: Wheel explodes attacking those deemed guilty.[59]
  • While looking through a collection of documents, Lucia invoked St. Catherine as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, able to outtalk scholars, in a spell to identify the information she sought.[27]
Matthew Apostle of the Son of God, writer of one of the Four Gospels, and ex-tax collector. Bags of the tax collector: The bags of gold act as projectiles representing the Four Elements.[59]
Giles Patron of the poor and the disabled. Divine Protection of Ægidius barrier.[60]
Martin Roman soldier turned first bishop of Tours, France, after giving his cloak to Christ disguised as a beggar in the middle of winter. Patron of beggars, recovering alcoholics and horses. Tsuchimikado recounts to Touma the story of how Saint Martin stood directly in the path of a felled sacred tree and how it miraculously missed him, converting the pagans present, to explain how the effects of the Croce di Pietro work to benefit the Roman Catholic Church.[61]
Barbara Patron saint of heavy artillery and artillerymen.
  • Divine Cannon of St. Barbara: Magical ice cannon.[62]
  • Saint Barbara's tale is referred to as an example of the surroundings of holy ones being dyed, just as Fiamma's surroundings were being dyed in the colors of Heaven during the final stages of Project Bethlehem.[63]
Margaret Dragon slayer and patron saint of childbirth.
  • St. Margaret's Crucifix: Crucifixes that expand into large stabbing weapons three meters length.[64]
  • Aleister Crowley made use of the symbolism of stepping on a demon to reduce their power, based on legends of St. Margaret, against Coronzon.[46]
Lucia Patron saint of the blind.
  • Weight of the Cross create a zone of immense gravity.[64]
Christopher Carried the Son of God across a river and patron saint of travellers.
  • Weight of the Cross create a zone of immense gravity.[64]
  • St. Christopher's Staff[5]
  • While discussing distortions and inventions concerning the stories of saints, Agnese claimed that Christopher was almost certainly a completely fictional creation.[23]
Jeanne d'Arc French heroine of the Hundred Years' War. Oracle of d'Arc[65]
Paul Honorary apostle, one of the first missionaries and important founders of Christianity. Caliche I. Niknosh's cabal made use of the emblem of the decapitated St. Paul to behead another (specifically the higher-ups of the Russian Shopping Center via Ex Voto.[34]
Stephen The first Christian martyr. St. Stephen was referenced during an explanation of God's Right Seat as having used the word 'right' to indicate equivalency with regards to God and the Son of God.[66]
Nicholas The original Santa Claus, patron saint of children, (repentant) thieves and of bankers, moneylenders, and financiers.
Agnes Patron saint of girls, chastity, and rape victims.
  • Saint Agnes's tale is referred to as an example of the surroundings of holy ones being dyed, just as Fiamma's surroundings were being dyed in the colors of Heaven during the final stages of Project Bethlehem.[63]
  • Agnese Sanctis is named after this saint.[69]
Julian Martyred officer of the Roman army. St. Julian was mentioned among examples of miracles calling down divine punishment and turning it against an enemy.[47]
Vitus Patron saint of dancers, actors, young people and dogs.
  • St. Vitus was mentioned among examples of miracles calling down divine punishment and turning it against an enemy.[47]
  • The story of St. Vitus was mentioned alongside that of St. Andrew, as a case of a painful demonstration to the people being used to show the world god's glory, divine punishment and wrath being a part of god's will.[44]
  • St. Vitus was also mentioned with regards to theories that his legend might be an incorporation of stories of the Slavic deity (Svetovid/Svantovit).[70][23]
Agatha Patron of Malta and San Marino, martyred for her faith by having her breasts cut off. She was then sentenced to be burnt at the stake, but an earthquake saved her from that fate. The Agnese Forces made use of a fire protection spell, based on legends of St. Agatha.[71]
Sebastian While considering how older gods and legendary figures have sometimes ended up part of the supposedly monotheistic Christianity under a changed name, Agnese claimed that Sebastian derived from the Celtic hero Cuchulain.[23]
Ursula While discussing distortions and inventions concerning the stories of saints, Agnese mentioned how St. Ursula had been said to have died along with 11,000 virgins due to a misreading.[23]
Amandus During the battle against Albert Dying in the Vatican, Lucia and Angelene invoked St. Amandus in a spell to assist Agnese Sanctis's movements with a tailwind.[28]
Benedict Agnese invoked the story of St. Benedict's bones being found by grave robbers and opening doors for an unlocking spell.[24]
Vincent Agnese Sanctis invoked St. Vincent (specifically how the shards on the floor of his prison cell turned to flowers and he saw an angel) for a spell to transcribe the contents of a recently burnt book from residual information on the immolated culprit.[25]
Thomas Becket 12th century Archbishop of Canterbury, who was murdered at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170, by four knights, who had interpreted words uttered by King Henry II (whom Becket had been in conflict with) as a royal command for his death, and subsequently venerated as a martyr.


  • An artificial element in the series, Saintium,[74] derives its name from the English term Saint.
  • In translations and on this wiki, outside of sentence openings and being prefixed as a title, saint in the title sense is typically written with the first letter in lower case while Saint in the Toaru sense is written with the first letter in capital.
  • In his appearances prior to December 11th, among the various things that Aleister Crowley has been described to look like simultaneously (e.g. adult and child, man and woman), saint (聖人 seijin?) is given alongside criminal/sinner (囚人 shūjin?).[75]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Reverse Chapter 4 Part 9
  2. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Chapter 2 Part 6
  3. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 6 Part 3
  4. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Necessarius Special Admission Test Chapter 2 Part 8
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 4 Part 2
  6. 6.0 6.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 2 Part 2
  7. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Kanzaki Kaori Chapter 4 Part 11
  8. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 4 Part 5
  9. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 4 Part 2
  10. 10.0 10.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Chapter 2 Part 1
  11. 11.0 11.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Chapter 4
  12. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Kanzaki Kaori Chapter 6
  13. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 4 Part 6
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 3 Part 5
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Kanzaki Kaori Chapter 8
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Profound Destruction
  17. 17.0 17.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion - Dengeki PlayStation Interview with Kamachi Kazuma
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Chapter 4 Part 7
  19. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 3 Part 3
  20. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 5 Part 4
  21. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 7 Part 4
  22. 22.0 22.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Necessarius Special Admission Test Chapter 5 Part 5
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 4 Part 2
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 5 Part 2
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 5 Part 3
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 7 Part 3
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 6 Part 6
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 8 Part 3
  29. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 8 Part 2
  30. Rainbow Spectrum
  31. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 6 Part 3
  32. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 1 Part 8
  33. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 7 Part 6
  34. 34.0 34.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip Chapter 6 Part 7
  35. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip Chapter 7 Part 4
  36. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip Chapter 7 Part 9
  37. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip Chapter 7 Part 11
  38. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09
  39. 39.0 39.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Chapter 4 Part 6
  40. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 10
  41. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 5 Part 4
  42. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 5 Part 8
  43. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 3 Part 6
  45. 45.0 45.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 5 Part 4
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Prologue
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 1 Part 1
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 1 Part 2
  49. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 3 Part 4
  50. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 4 Part 8
  51. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Author Profile in Cover Fold, Source (Japanese)
  52. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion Manga Chapter 005
  53. Toaru Majutsu to Kagaku no Ensemble Magic Side (Hidden) Story
  54. Toaru Majutsu no Index Radio Drama Chapter 2
  55. 55.0 55.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 4
  56. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 1 Part 3
  57. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Between the Lines 2
  58. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Between the Lines 1
  59. 59.0 59.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 3 Part 1
  60. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 3 Part 1
  61. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 4 Part 7
  62. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 3 Part 5
  63. 63.0 63.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 10 Part 3
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 3 Part 4
  65. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Between The Lines 2
  66. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Epilogue
  67. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 2 Part 2
  68. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 2 Part 8
  69. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 2 Part 8
  70. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 3 Part 10
  71. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 2 Part 7
  72. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 1 Part 4
  73. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Chapter 3 Part 7
  74. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 2 Part 1
  75. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 2 Part 1


v  e
Kanzaki Kaori (Index III) AcquaAnime Silvia (Anime)
Kanzaki Kaori William Orwell Silvia
Brunhild (Navbox) Template Placeholder other Kanzaki Kigomi's Crest
Brunhild Eiktobel Number Ten Saint Kanzaki Kigomi
Historical Saints
Joan of ArcSt. AndrewSt. GeorgeSt. Peter
