Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki
Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

Sarizawa Saya (去澤 莢?) is a researcher who appears in the Toaru Majutsu no Index II Archives 3 Audio Drama and Toaru Majutsu no Index II Archives 4 Audio Drama.


She has a twisted personality, considering her use of the Child Error Alice whom she cared about in her experiments as a way of expressing her love, considering it as a way of giving her value that she lost from being abandoned.[2]



Toaru Majutsu no Index II Archives 3 Audio Drama[]

Toaru Majutsu no Index II Archives 4 Audio Drama[]



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Yoshikawa Amai Ao Kiyama Harumi1 Nunotaba shinobu
Yoshikawa Kikyou Amai Ao Kiyama Harumi Nunotaba Shinobu
Keitz Nokleben (Anime) KusakabeYumi profile KanmiEiga profile Makuwa (Anime)
Keitz Nokleben Kusakabe Yumi Kanmi Eiga Makuwa
Hishigata Mikihiko (Anime) Go Hazime Kuriba Ryouko After Experiment (Anime) Chief (Anime)
Hishigata Mikihiko Go Hazime Kuriba Ryouko Chief
Female Scientist (Anime) Toomine face Scarred Doctor Profile Yakumi
Female Researcher Toomine Kanari Houjou Seigo Yakumi Hisako
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Sarizawa Saya Kasasagi Garan Kyouji Usui Yoshino
See also: Kihara Family