There is something that has been irking me since pretty much the beginning of the series, does someone know the actual difference between "Magic Power (魔力 Maryoku?, lit. "Magic Power / Capacity")" and "Mana"? Index and others have frequently referenced both as being used for spells but I have never truly grasped the actual difference between the two. Is magic power processed mana, ready to be used or that's already in use? I think that in the manga and the light novel, in volume 1 they mentioned that magic power is produced from mana, but they don't truly detailed neither concept. Okashira - Imbued with Gold - 06:11, March 7, 2011 (UTC)
I believe 'Maryoku' is the step between Life Force (生命力, seimeiryoku) and the different types of mana. Maryoku is probably the step that is right after lifeforce is converted into magical energy, but not yet refined into what type. Flere821 10:06, March 7, 2011 (UTC)
Blood and Mana[]
I'm genuinely curious, if my memory serves me right, in the first volume of Toaru, isn't it shown by Index that blood also carries Mana, and that blood loss drains mana constantly? Why isn't this written in the article? Altharen 20:16, 3 October, 2022 (UTC)