Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

Thirteen Death (サーティーンデス Sātīndesu?) is a magician, intended to be a means for a regular Magic Side organization to counter and kill Magic Gods, who appears in the original story of Toaru Majutsu no Index: Imaginary Fest.[1][2][3]


Her name/title is derived from Death, the thirteenth card of the Tarot's Major Arcana. The term used to describe her intended role (死神, Shinigami) is also the Japanese title for that same card.


Thirteen Death has blue eyes, blonde hair and sharp teeth.[2]

She wears a patchy white dress and a black hooded cloak with red lining. She also wears a skull-shaped half-mask on the left side of her face, and a red and black gauntlet on her right arm, on which a scythe blade is mounted. A red ribbon ties her cloak together below the hood and a gold emblem is fixed to the front and rear of the left side of her cloak.[2]


Thirteen Death is described to be always in search of fresh surprises, thrills and terror. She hates "home cooking" and "ironic but not surprising" dishes. She is apparently cannot be separated from the magical side of her life.[2]


With both the Science Side and the Magic Side becoming aware of the existence of Magic Gods after the events surrounding Gremlin, the need for countermeasures against them became apparent. While Academy City has means to defeat and/or manage Magic Gods, with the efforts of Kamijou Touma and the techniques of Aleister Crowley, the more conventional Magic Side (particularly the large organizations), for the most part, did not - necessitating the development of techniques and methods to kill the Magic Gods, a "kill card" to eliminate them or make them obey. Thirteen Death was intended to play that role.[2]


Toaru Majutsu no Index: Imaginary Fest[]

Main article: Toaru Majutsu no Index: Imaginary Fest
Touma faces Thirteen Death - Toaru IF Original Story Ch1

Thirteen Death appears before Kamijou Touma and Othinus.

Thirteen Death appears in the game's original story, first appearing before Kamijou Touma and Othinus in Academy City, at some point after the events in Denmark.[1] Having indulged herself in the fear of Anti-Skill officers that had crossed her path, Thirteen Death fought Touma, who stood in the way of her killing Othinus. Although Touma was able to land a number of hits on her, he was eventually driven to the verge of defeat by her Golden Harvester. However, to Thirteen Death's shock, four deceased individuals appeared to save Touma and soon defeated her instead.[3]

After the events of the "Return", Thirteen Death returned to Academy City to resume her mission of killing Othinus. However, she was stopped by City Macabre who wants to protect Academy City from any danger.[4]

Thirteen Death's fate remains unknown after her encounter with City Macabre.


Thirteen Death is described as extremely talented, inseparable from the magical side of her life, and proficient in combat using the rail-sliding scythe attached to her right arm. She wields the Golden Harvester (金色の収穫者ゴールデンハーベスタ Kin'iro no Shūkaku-sha (Gōruden Hābesuta)?), a powerful weapon described as possessing high durability and seemingly endless possibilities for use against Magic Gods.[2]

Thirteen Death has the names of various gods (many relating to death, the underworld and the afterlife) sewn onto the inside of her cloak, strengthening her image as a god of death (死神 Shinigami?), from which she draws power.[3] Golden Harvester allows Thirteen Death to nullify the cause of death (死因 Shiin?) within attacks made by others. In addition, she can use various symbols of death (死の象徴 Shi no Shōchō?) in her defenses and attacks (e.g. the immolation of Izanami, the dismemberment of Osiris, the stabbing and hanging of Odin, and others, with Hades, Tezcatlipoca, Chamunda and Enma mentioned).[3]

Character Art Designs[]



  • When faced with four seemingly resurrected individuals during her initial battle with Touma, Thirteen Death recognized them as people who should be dead and was in disbelief, before any of the individuals in question made any comments about the matter.[3] It isn't currently known whether she had information on them that included their deceased status or whether she has the ability to recognize individuals who are or should be dead.

