Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

Thomas Platinaburg was one of the 12 Directors of Academy City was responsible for funding the group ITEM. He once was injured gravely by Accelerator in Volume 13 and hired a mercenary named Stephanie Gorgeouspalace to assassinate him in Volume 19. However, when Stephanie found out that one of her friends was injured by an ITEM member and that Platinumburg was using Sunazara Chimitsu's life as a bargain tool, she decided to assassinate him instead. [1]

He was described as someone whose life has a been perfect "smooth sailing" filled with success and opportunities everywhere, though his luck started to change when Accelerator invaded his home and attacked him to access the Banks. He has been known to be involved in Academy's City Dark Side and has a bulletproof vest at hand and a large security staff when he is at home.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 1 Between the lines 1
  2. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Chapter 09 Part 2
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Academy City Board Chairman and Board of Directors
Board Chairman
Accelerator Novel GT Cropped
Current Board Members
OyafuneMonaka-AnimeProfile Template Placeholder other Template Placeholder other
Oyafune Monaka Kaizumi Tsugutoshi Valart Signal
Template Placeholder other Unabara (Mental Out Ch20, 6D+6F)
Unnamed Director Unabara
Former Board Chairman and Members
Thomas Platinaburg (Anime) Shiokishi without suit (Anime) Yakumi
Thomas Platinaburg Shiokishi Yakumi Hisako
Nakimoto Rizou (Anime) Aleister Crowley (Anime) Template Placeholder other
Nakimoto Rizou Aleister Crowley Neoka Norito
Three Unnamed Directors