Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Volume 10 is the tenth volume of the Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator manga series that was released on June 26th, 2019. It deals with the third part of the Nectar Arc.[1]
Once things begin moving, no one can stop it anymore!
The twin sisters who clashed. Waiting at the end of their fight was the irreparable darkness of academy City... And then, in order to get rid of that darkness, Academy City's greatest evil, Accelerator, begins to move! The TV animation begins broadcasting in July! The latest issue of the super popular comic!!
Now that the dust has settled after the explosive clash between Tobio Yumi and Tobio Mami, the twins must face the abysmal gloom still clinging to the city. But only someone steeped in darkness could possibly confront such evil. Is Accelerator up to the task?