On the eve of July 19, after a series of normal events, a boy named Kamijou Touma finds himself running for his life as a group of thugs chase him for a few kilometers into the streets of Academy City. What became a gentlemanly gesture towards a seemingly helpless middle-school girl ends up with him getting rescued by said girl, named Misaka Mikoto, a Level 5 esper with the ability to control electricity.
Touma's accidentally mocking words force an encounter between a "worthless" Level 0 and one of the few Level 5 espers in Academy City. However, due to a power that resides in his right hand, the Imagine Breaker, he was able to withstand Mikoto's abilities.
Despite this, however, he considers himself truly unlucky.
Adapted To[]
- Anime: Toaru Majutsu no Index Episode 01
- Manga: Toaru Majutsu no Index Manga Chapter 1
- Game: Toaru Majutsu no Index: Imaginary Fest Main Story (via Anime)
Major Events[]
- Kamijou Touma, in an encounter with Misaka Mikoto, demonstrated his ability for the first time in the series.
New Characters[]
New Abilities[]
- Imagine Breaker - Kamijou Touma
- Railgun - Misaka Mikoto
New Locations[]
Cultural References[]
No cultural references currently recorded for this chapter/episode.
Unanswered Questions[]
No unanswered questions currently recorded for this chapter/episode.
- "If I’m a one in 328,571 genius, then you’re a one in 2,300,000 disaster.” — Mikoto, commenting on the rarity of her and Touma's powers