Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

"Divine Punishment" (天罰術式 Tenbatsu Jutsushiki?) is the 111th chapter of the Toaru Majutsu no Index and manga was released on November 12, 2016.


Index searches for Accelerator in the rain but notices the wings of light, and notes that it is the wings of an angel based on her 103,000 grimoires. However, as the wings flash, she notices something familiar about the light. It is her friend Hyouka.

Accelerator later barges into the home of Thomas Platinaburg, one of the members of the Board of Directors, and researches on a possible cure to the virus code, codenamed "ANGEL", installed in Last Order's brain.

Meanwhile, Touma heads to the epicenter of the angel manifestation. There, he is seen by Misaka Mikoto and Index. Index warns him to not go to the angel, who is actually Kazakiri Hyouka, in fears of Touma's Imagine Breaker killing her. Touma tells her that he must prevent the destruction caused by Hyouka's appearance, but will save her no matter what.

Despite lacking vital information on what is going on, Mikoto decides to help out, thinking that it's for Touma's friend. "As part of the Punishment Game", Mikoto joins in on the battle, shooting the Hound Dog units passing by with her Railgun, while she lets Touma and Index continue on their journey towards Hyouka.

Soon, Touma and Index sort out the mechanics of Vento's Divine Punishment ability. However, with the mystery of Vento's power solved, the only challenge is how to return Hyouka back to normal. Touma knows that Hyouka is from the science side, so he decides to contact someone from the science side as well. However, there is no answer. The only guaranteed person to ask about science is none other than Misaka Mikoto herself, who is still stuck with fighting Hound Dog. She later helps Touma with information despite her predicament, and later, Touma finally reaches the center of the angel's manifestation. Then, Vento reappears and declares that she must kill a monstrosity like Hyouka must die along with him. Touma then prepares to fight Vento for another battle.

Adapted From[]

Major Events[]

  • Misaka Mikoto battles Hound Dog, while Touma and Index agree to save Kazakiri Hyouka.
  • Kamijou Touma begins his battle with Vento of the Front anew.


New Characters[]





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Cultural References[]

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Unanswered Questions[]

No unanswered questions currently recorded for this chapter/episode.




v  e
Toaru Majutsu no Index
Volume 1 12345 Volume 2 678910
Volume 3 1112131415 Volume 4 161718192021
Volume 5 2223242526 Volume 6 27282930313233
Volume 7 3435363738 Volume 8 394041424344
Volume 9 454647484950 Volume 10 51525354555657
Volume 11 5859606162636465 Volume 12 6667686970
Volume 13 71727374757677 Volume 14 7879808182838485
Volume 15 868788899091 Volume 16 929394959697
Volume 17 9899100101102103 Volume 18 104105106107108109110
Volume 19 111112113114115116 Volume 20 117118119120121122
Volume 21 123124125126127128 Volume 22 129130131132133134135
Volume 23 136137138139140141 Volume 24 142143144145146147
Volume 25 148149150151152153154 Volume 26 155156157158159160161
Volume 27 162163164165166167 Volume 28 168169170171172173174
Volume 29 175176177178179180181 Volume 30 182183184185186187188
Volume 31 189190191192193194195196 Chapters Not Yet in Volume Format 197198