Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

Toaru Majutsu no Index Manga Volume 19 is the 19th manga volume for the Toaru Majutsu no Index Manga, was released on September 22, 2017.[1] It deals with the final part of the Academy City Invasion Arc and Anglican Church–Russian Orthodox Church Prewar Conference.

Publisher's Summary[]

The angel that descended upon Academy City used to be...?

Last Order was kidnapped, and Accelerator noticed that Kihara's power broker is Academy City itself. Aleister's plan is progressing steadily. Moreover, Touma and Index know that the angel that descended upon Academy City was their friend, Kazakiri Hyouka...!! The 19th volume of the magic and science school action is finally here!!

Key Characters[]



Localized Releases[]


A Certain Magical Index Manga Tomes 19
A Certain Magical Index Manga v19 French cover
Release Date français June 21, 2018[2]
ISBN-13 français ISBN 979-10-327-0270-3
Number of Pages 210 pages


魔法禁書目錄 集數 19
A Certain Magical Index Manga v19 Chinese cover
Release Date 中文(臺灣) August 27, 2018[3]
ISBN-13 中文(臺灣) ISBN 978-957-564-401-7

一方通行察覺綁架最後之作的木原,其幕後黑手正是學園都市本身。 亞雷斯塔的計畫正確實地進行當中。 另外,當麻等人得知降臨學園都市的天使正是自己的舊識──風斬冰華……! 魔法×科學的學園戰鬥漫畫第十九集登場!


A Certain Magical Index Manga Volumi 19
A Certain Magical Index Manga v19 Italian cover
Release Date italiano September 18, 2019[4]
Number of Pages 208 pages
Nella città-studio, Toma Kamijo è un liceale come tanti, ma con la sua mano destra è in grado di annullare qualunque potere anomalo. La sua vita prende una piega assurda il giorno in cui trova (stesa sul suo balcone!) la suora bambina Index, custode “mnemonica” di ben 103.000 grimori di proprietà della Chiesa Puritana d’Inghilterra...!

A quanto pare, qualcuno in grado di interferire dall’esterno con il campo di dispersione A.I.M. ha trasformato Hyoka Kazakiri in un angelo che incombe sulla città-studio. Toma e Index cercano di scoprire chi si cela dietro questo insolito fenomeno per porvi fine, difendendo a tutti i costi l’incolumità della loro amica...


A Certain Magical Index Manga Volume 19
A Certain Magical Index Manga v19 English cover
Release Date English October 29, 2019[5]
ISBN-13 English ISBN 978-1-9753-3196-2
Number of Pages 176 pages
To quash an attack by God's Right Seat on Academy City, the mysterious Aleister Crowley will utilize even the corrupted power of an angel. But when Touma discovers that angel's identity, he'll stop at nothing to save her. Meanwhile, Accelerator is on a mission of his own to rescue Last Order from the ruthless Kihara. Could these seemingly unrelated battles actually be two sides of the same coin...?!


  1. 1.0 1.1 Index Volume 19: (Japanese) Square Enix
  2. A Certain Magical Index T19 from Ki-Oon Editions (French). Retrieved on 22/07/19.
  3. 魔法禁書目錄 (19) from Kadokawa Taiwan (Chinese). Retrieved on 19/07/19.
  4. Scheda di A Certain Magical Index 19 su Star Comics (Italian). Retrieved on 22/07/19.
  5. Volume 19 English: Yen Press


v  e
Main Series Toaru Majutsu no Index 123455.56789101111.51213141516171819202122232425262728293031
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 12345678910111213141516171819
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator 123456789101112
Astral Buddy 1234
Toaru Kagaku no Dark Matter 1
Toaru Kagaku no Mental Out 123
Toaru Anbu no Item 1
4-Koma Series Toaru Nichijou no Index-san 12345
Toaru Idol no Accelerator-sama 1234
Special Stories Miracle of Endymion 12
Crossover 12
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On 123
Anthology Manga 4-koma Koushiki Anthology 123
Koushiki Comic Anthology 12
Comic Anthology Dear 1
v  e
Toaru Majutsu no Index
Volume 1 12345 Volume 2 678910
Volume 3 1112131415 Volume 4 161718192021
Volume 5 2223242526 Volume 6 27282930313233
Volume 7 3435363738 Volume 8 394041424344
Volume 9 454647484950 Volume 10 51525354555657
Volume 11 5859606162636465 Volume 12 6667686970
Volume 13 71727374757677 Volume 14 7879808182838485
Volume 15 868788899091 Volume 16 929394959697
Volume 17 9899100101102103 Volume 18 104105106107108109110
Volume 19 111112113114115116 Volume 20 117118119120121122
Volume 21 123124125126127128 Volume 22 129130131132133134135
Volume 23 136137138139140141 Volume 24 142143144145146147
Volume 25 148149150151152153154 Volume 26 155156157158159160161
Volume 27 162163164165166167 Volume 28 168169170171172173174
Volume 29 175176177178179180181 Volume 30 182183184185186187188
Volume 31 Chapters Not Yet in Volume Format 189190191192193194195196197