Toaru Majutsu no Index Wiki

The Unified Story Timeline lists events in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe in chronological order. This timeline tries to harmonize the events from all the mediums that tell the stories of the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe, so long as they are canon, things that happen in the story as it goes, things that have come to pass or mentioned in passing, and things that may. This bars video games, parodies, and audio dramas unless their time frames can be determined. Discrepancies will surely abound, but this is the fate of a franchise that has spanned greatly in several media and in the hands of several people.

For the timeline exclusively for the anime, visit the Anime Timeline page.

Pre-19th Century Chronology based on Set Dates[]


  • At least 4000 years before the present day,[1] a group of servants, buried together with a pharaoh in a certain pyramid, who didn't want their lives to have been a waste, pool their knowledge and resources, resulting in the birth of the Magic God Nephthys.[2]
  • At least 4000 years before the present day in China, Niang-Niang gives up her life to become a heretical Shijie-Xian, eventually becoming a Magic God.[1]

1st Century AD[]

  • The Son of God is put to trial, and is later crucified by the Romans. He later dies, though it is debated if being stabbed by a spear was the killing blow or just to confirm his death.[3][4] The Son of God, however, later resurrects and ascends to heaven three days after his death.[4] According to Coronzon, the majority of the Sephirah were under attack by an unknown assailant at the time, and his sacrifice saved the world.[5]
June 29[]
  • St. Peter is executed, though preparing well ahead of time, Peter chose the grounds of what would now become the Vatican, where the Croce di Pietro (prepared before his death) would later be erected on his tomb and establish the center of Christianity.[6]

3rd Century AD[]

4th Century AD[]

Middle Ages[]

  • Records of a woman by the name of Fräulein Kreutune, who can survive any form of trial after being deemed a Witch, are first mentioned.[10]

8th Century AD[]

9th Century AD[]

  • Merchants bring the remains of St. Mark into Venezia, thereby expanding the power and influence of Venezia. St. Mark's Basilica is later built to house his remains.[12]
  • Construction of La Regina del Mare Adriatico is finished. However, it was not used due to the fear of economic disaster that would be brought about by Venezia's destruction.[11]

12th Century AD[]

  • The Third Crusade takes place, most likely the Crusades that Ladylee may have participated in as a young girl.
    • Ladylee Tangleroad becomes immortal after eating ambrosia given to her by a soldier she saved during the Crusades.[14]

13th Century AD[]



14th Century AD[]

  • The Black Death reaches its peak in Europe, killing millions.

15th Century AD[]

  • In Bologna, Italy, a man is found guilty of allegedly running a brothel of succubi and executed for it. Because of court records concerning the case, it is one of the few cases of demons being officially recognized by the government of the time.[16]

16th Century AD[]

  • Hernán Cortés leads an expedition to explore and colonize Mexico for Spain. After mistaking him for Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs create the Magic God Tezcatlipoca in order to fight against him. The exact events resulting from this are not known, but the Aztec Empire falls to the Spanish and Tezcatlipoca eventually joins the true Gremlin.[17]
  • Michelangelo is commissioned for architectural work on St. Peter's Basilica.[9]
January 15[]

17th Century AD[]

400 Years Ago[]
  • The Edo period begins with the forming of the Tokugawa shogunate, and part of its impact is the persecution of all foreign influences on its territory, including Christianity. The Amakusa Church is then forced into hiding.
  • At age 19, Johannes Valentinus Andreae distributes the text Chymische Hochzeit ("Chymical Wedding"),[25] spreading Rosicrucianism with his hoax,[26] which soon goes out of his control.[26][27][28][29]
  • Johann Valentin Andreae dies, having failed to wipe out Rosicrucianism.[33]

18th Century AD[]


19th-21st Century Chronology based on Set Dates[]

19th Century AD[]



September 16[]


December 17[]


January 8 or 11[]


June 2[]


October 3[]


February 28[]


May 3[]
  • The Meiji Restoration begins and the Edo period and the Tokugawa shogunate ends. The Amakusa Church, however, continues to remain in secrecy. The Mugino family takes advantage of the Westernization to become one of the wealthiest families in the world.[37]



December 8[]


July 23[]


October 12[]





February 22[]
March 1[]



June 16[]
December 6[]
  • Violet Mary Firth, later better known as Dion Fortune, is born.


  • Alleged death of Anna Sprengel, with her supposed correspondance with Westcott now stopped.



  • Aleister Crowley is initiated into the Golden Dawn by Mathers.


20th Century AD[]

  • Like many Europe magicians who sought answers elsewhere after running into a dead-end they couldn't break through with their existing resources, Aleister Crowley travels to Africa in search of new information and answers. After arriving in the desert, he incorporates the names of Egyptian deities, namely Isis, Osiris and Horus, into his concept of Aeons, eliciting a laugh from Nephthys.[49]


  • At some point in the early 20th century, Madame Horos manages to steal the body of Anna Sprengel and assumes her identity, impersonating her for over a century onwards.[26]
  • Due to a failed magical experiment Aleister Crowley carried out at the Loch Ness, several half-formed spirits are summoned and cause mayhem, leading to the press starting the rumour of the Loch Ness Monster.[50]
  • Aleister Crowley takes action against the Golden Dawn in order to change the fate of his future daughter Lilith. After obtaining a sample of Mathers' blood, he occupies the cabal's facility at 36 Blythe Road in the Battle of Blythe Road, and uses the blood to forge a document with orders from Mathers to do so, triggering a war between the Mathers and Westcott factions.[51][52][44]
  • In the ensuing conflict, Aleister strikes down cabal members in the shadows, eventually killing Westcott and Mathers themselves with the aid of Blythe Road's Treasure, an arrow bearing Imagine Breaker. With the arrow destroyed in the last battle, Imagine Breaker moves on. The magicians of the Golden Dawn who were struck down by Aleister are cursed to die or live a life where all of their choices are doomed to failure, and the cabal breaks up. Successor organizations subsequently spring up but none of them reach the level of the Golden Dawn.[44]


  • Con artist Madame Horos manages to convince Mathers that she is the real Anna Sprengel, using the fraud to steal crucial Golden Dawn documents and abscond with them, with Mathers' Belzébuth and Typhon-Set unable to stop her.[53]



  • Using his wife as a medium during a trip to Egypt, Aleister Crowley makes contact with the Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass. The knowledge conveyed by Aiwass is subsequently compiled in the Book of the Law.[43][55] Unknown to Aleister, Aiwass takes measures at this point, to ensure that the essence of his daughter Lilith, still in the womb and destined to die in a few years, would be taken to safety in another phase.[56] Aiwass had also been summoned previously by Anna Sprengel to get her body back from Madame Horos.[26]
July 28[]



  • On a trip to Africa, while attempting to cross the abyss between sephira, Aleister comes into contact with the demon Coronzon who, unknown to him, was previously summoned by Mathers in order to lead him to ruin. The demon breaks through his attempts to bind it and temporarily possesses him, but his apprentice Victor Neuburg fulfills his function as a breaker, enabling the demon to be driven away. Afterwards, Coronzon would later travel from Africa to England hidden in a mountain of papyrus and go on to possess Aleister's second daughter Lola.[59][60][61]
  • Lola Stuart first appears in documents as the Anglican Archbishop.[57]


  • Self-proclaimed clairvoyant Mifune Chizuko is tested by Tomokichi Fukurai, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Tokyo Imperial, who ends up convinced that her abilities are real. A second test was overseen by the university's president, Yamakawa Kenjirō, where she read the hidden messages inside a sealed letter. However, it was discovered that the messages, written by Kenjirō, were replaced beforehand by ones written by Fukurai, causing the press to doubt her claims.


  • The grimoire known as Moonchild is published by Aleister Crowley.




  • During internal disputes within their cabal, Dion Fortune angers Mina Mathers and is brutally attacked by phantom black cats, some the size of tigers, summoned by her mentor.[63]


  • Aleister's days in the island of Sicily end.[64]


  • H. P. Lovecraft publishes the short story "Call of Cthulhu", formally establishing the fictional world of the Cthulhu Mythos and inspiring magicians to use it as basis for their magic.


June 7[]



December 1[]
  • Edward Alexander Crowley is officially recognized as dead.[64] However, it is revealed that he survived, escaped into the remote English countryside, and was later found by Heaven Canceller, who nurses him back to health and tells him of the faraway country of Japan.[69]


  • Magical researcher Gerald Gardner officially releases his findings and supposed reproductions of ancient witch practices, forming the foundation of the modern witchcraft system Wicca.[70]






  • The Gulf War ends.


  • The SDI is officially terminated and its technology never actually implemented because it was too costly. However, some of its technologies would end up secretly being used on earth instead of in space to get their money's worth, known as Repurposed SDI.[72]


  • The Stargate Project is canceled.


November 30[]

21st Century AD[]

Unknown Years and Outside Timeline[]

Outside the Timeline[]

  • The true Gremlin is established as a reconciliation council between the Magic Gods and take up residence in the Hidden World.[74] As the most powerful magicians in the magic side, their hopes and fears manifests itself in the form of the Imagine Breaker.
  • Othinus becomes a Magic God, and using her powers starts adding Phases on the world several times. She later settles with the current world, where Kamijou Touma would later be born and become a bearer of the Imagine Breaker.[75]
  • The man who calls himself Silver Star attempts to tamper with the Pure World beyond all the filters.[76]

Unknown Number of Years Ago[]

  • A great distortion of the four elements allows the Angels to bypass the names God has given them, has their alignments to the four elements switch, and finally allows the possibility of an angel falling down to Earth.[77]
  • An Egyptian faction plans the sacrifice of a young girl as part of an experiment to prove the existence of the afterlife. Before they can carry out the ceremony, the faction is reduced to ashes by Nephthys, answering one of them weeping at how wrong it was.[78]
  • To try and stop the destruction of the sun spoken of in their myths, the Aztecs try various methods, ceremonies, and projects to affect the sun. One of these projects is Xiuhcoatl, a satellite made out of wood, cloth, and obsidian, which they send up into space so it can launch a large amount of flint into the sun to restore its vitality.[79]
  • The man who would become known as the High Priest undergoes self-mummification in hopes of attaining enlightenment and saving the people. Due to sabotage from those opposed to him becoming a Buddha, he becomes a Magic God instead.[80]

Chronology based on Years before the Main Story[]

Over Half a Century Ago[]

Unknown Number of Years Ago[]

October 9[]

  • Academy City gains its independence as a sovereign city-state.

20 Years Ago[]

  • Twenty years prior to the start of the series, Sherry Cromwell was part of a secret sect that was created within the Anglican Church to create a Magician-Esper hybrid. She was the one who taught the esper known as Ellis, a child like her, magic and spell, and became good friends with him. However, when Ellis tried to use magic, the contradictions between magic and AIM proved fatal for Ellis, which burst his blood vessels and severely injuring him. At which point, operatives of the Knights of England came and destroyed the institution that Sherry and Ellis were in in, after the higher-ups of the Anglican Church realized that they were in contact with the science side, under the pretext of preventing the leakage of magic teachings and secrets, however, the true intention was because they didn't want magic to have any contact with science. The knights then killed Ellis, who used himself as a shield providing with Sherry enough time to escape.[86] The event would traumatize the young Sherry Cromwell, becoming distrustful of the magic and science side, having a tremendous hate for the Knights of England, dedicating her magic name to her friend, and naming her golem after him.
  • An American Hollywood filmmaker designs and makes a huge artificial island as a setting for a movie. At the end of the movie's filming, dismantling such a huge effort made by the crew is seen as a waste, so rather than being destroyed, the island is reborn as a seaside resort and theme park.[87]

14 Years Ago[]

May 2[]

10 Years Ago[]

  • The 1st Lancer Division of the 13 squads of the Knights of England are dispatched to Japan to take care of a minor situation (according to the Church) in a mountain village in Kyoto. Here they discover the lone survivor of an attack of vampire: out of fear of the Deep Blood of Himegami Aisa, a vampire had turned her entire village into vampires. They were, however, all killed by her power thereafter, making Aisa the lone survivor of the tragedy.[90]
  • Problems with Princess Villian.
    • The Princess Villian hostage crisis occurs when the then 14-year old Third Princess Villian is kidnapped by the Spanish Astrological Sect, one of the few major cabals of the Roman Catholics, and is then abandoned by the British Royal Family because they hope to use her as an excuse to attack the magic cabal. Having their hands tied, the Knights of England can't interfere, so William Orwell resolves to enter the battlefield on his own, as his role as a mercenary gives him the freedom to do so. The Knight Leader wants to accompany him, but William knocks him out cold, so he could keep his position and try to change England from the inside to prevent another situation such as this one from happening again, something William can't do.[91]
    • Politicians, presumably from the United Kingdom, try to use Princess Villian as bait in order to gain South America. They are later punished and taught a lesson by Queen Elizard using the Curtana Second.[92]
  • Kamijou Touma, a fresh graduate of kindergarten, is sent to Academy City by his father, who believes that a place where superstition does not exist would be able to help his son from the terrible perception of people around him regarding his misfortune.[93]

5-6 Years Ago[]

  • Accelerator is caught up in an unfortunate incident where a group of children are hurt due to his powers, leading to Academy City forces trying to take him down. He is later sent into a special class as a result.[94]
  • Misaka Mikoto willingly gives her DNA for the purpose of helping disabled children, not knowing that its purpose was to create military clones.[95]
  • 5 years prior to the start of the timeline, the magic cabal Gate of the Gods Come from the Heavens organizes the Astra Reorganization for 15 of its members that had the best affinity for the use of the Brahma Astra. The project ends in disaster, with 14 of its members losing their lives, and only Ureapaddy Exica being able to wield the Astra limitedly and with the threat of damaging herself and others.[96]

5 Years Ago[]

  • Hishigata begins his research in figuring out where esper powers resided in the body.[97] An unknown amount of time later, Esther Rosenthal is "tricked" into assisting the research, culminating in the discovery that esper powers can be strengthened by "reinforcing" the body, eventually creating the Coffins.[97]

4 Years Ago[]

3 Years Ago[]


  • Kihara Kagun resigns from his job as a teacher due to an incident in which a young man erased from the records is corrupted by Kihara Byouri to attack a group of Kagun's students (which included Kumokawa Maria). Kihara Kagun charged towards the attacker, damaged his consciousness and killed him before a tragedy could occur. Despite the court's verdict making him innocent and his teacher licence still active, he decides to take revenge on the one who arranged the incident and disappears from Academy City.[104]
    • Some time later, Kihara Kagun meets Marian Slingeneyer and she becomes his mentor, though she does not directly teach him much, as she thought it would be best for him to learn on his own.[105] It is suspected that their relationship went beyond that of a mere student-teacher one.[105]


August 2[]

2 Years Ago[]

Last Year[]

  • The experiment in which Child Errors are used in order to gather data regarding the Crystallized Esper Essence is successful, but results in the children going comatose, leaving Kiyama Harumi, ward and teacher of the Child Errors, with an intense desire to save them.[112]


  • Tsuchimikado Motoharu graduates from middle school, and goes into Academy City to become a spy for the Church.[107] He chooses to adopt a young girl as his sister in order to fully deceive Academy City. However, he is quickly discovered to be a spy and is later forced to be a multi-agent in order to survive.[113]
    • He later goes into the Power Curriculum Program, becoming an esper and rendering all his magic dangerous to use lest he puts his life in danger.
  • Misaka Mikoto reaches Level 5, not long after starting at Tokiwadai Middle School.[114][115] After her prideful roommate moves out, Kessai Kiyoshi moves in, having been assigned by her clique to monitor the new Level 5.[115][116]



  • Misaka Mikoto encounters Shokuhou Misaki, prior to the summer uniform switch. With trauma from the events surrounding Dolly still fresh, Shokuhou gets off on the wrong foot with Mikoto, not wanting to see her face again. A week later, after the uniform switch, they run into each other again and bicker, witnessed by Kessai Kiyoshi.[118]
  • Sha Danshan encounters Shirai Kuroko.[119]
  • A conflict between the Mikagami Clique and the Hasekura Clique is engineered by a third party while Hasekura Reiri is away in Paris for a demonstration.[120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][88]
  • In midsummer,[130][131][132] L.S.S. and its head, Matsuo Ryuusuke go after Mitsuari Ayu for her abilities. This leads to Kamijou Touma meeting both her and Kumokawa Seria. Seria would assist Touma in trying to keep Mitsuari safe.[131]
    • After the failures of the Biohacker and the Gokusai sisters, Ryuusuke personally abducts Mitsuari, taking her to a cabin near Ground Geo, where he has Mitsuari awaken the Beginning Child.
    • With the Beginning Child unleashed, Touma is forced to subdue her with the help of the Gokusai sisters.
    • The ensuing chaos fatally wounds Matsuo Ryuusuke causing him to lament while dying that Mitsuari was ill-suited for the task, and that he only went after her because it was easier than trying to acquire Shokuhou Misaki. Mitsuari overhears Ryuusuke's dying words, causing her to question her self-worth and consider suicide.
    • Touma accidentally runs into Shokuhou Misaki, causing him to lose his phone. This would prevent him from getting a message from Mitsuari, whom he was unable to locate following the events involving the Beginning Child.[130] After getting no response from Touma, Mitsuari attempts to drown herself at the lake by the Ground Geo.[133]
    • Touma would later run into Misaki at the Ground Geo, just as she was about to alter her own memories regarding the events around Dolly.[130] Touma and Misaki would continue to have several meetings throughout the summer.[134][130]

July (1 Year Before the Index Arc)[]

July 1[]
  • After acquiring Kinuhata Saiai during the mission dealing with the Dark May Project, Item find their bank account frozen in a pre-emptive attack against them, as they are given a job to deal with the underground fight club known as the Colosseum. They also receive "Hanano Choubi" as another potential member. While attempting to abduct their client for information they withheld, they clash with Kouzaku Mitori, who was protecting them in exchange for information ahead of her attack on the Windowless Building.[137][138]
July 7[]
  • Item tracks down the Colosseum for the job and , only to find another group calling themselves Item running it. In the ensuing clash, Mugino kills one of the four, but Hanano Choubi is abducted.[139]
July 14[]
  • The Summer City Flood Prevention Program is underway. With the window to rescue Hanano closing, Item raids one of the other Item's hideouts, only to find an empty boobytrapped decoy. Facing execution, Hanano detonates some explosives she acquired from Frenda, destroying the Enemy Item's hideout, seemingly killing herself and killing two members, though the leader Ibotanokikouji Kaede escapes the scene.[140]
July 21[]
  • Item ambushes Ibotanokikouji at the School District 3 bus terminal as she attempts to flee the city, with Mugino killing her.[141]
July 28[]
  • Hanano Choubi's funeral is held, with Takitsubo and Frenda looking on. Simultaneously, Mugino and Kinuhata track down and kill a lady supposedly the 'voice on the phone' (actually a decoy) for her role in the events, utilizing them for personal gain and causing their teammate's death.[132]
July 31[]
  • The woman who posed as Hanano Choubi returns to her post, as the actual 'voice on the phone' behind Item.[142]


  • Touma and Misaki continue to encounter one another throughout the summer (with Shokuhou later considering the time in August a candidate for the happiest period of her life), culminating in being attacked by Deadlock, who were after Misaki. Touma would be severly injured in the fighting. Misaki used her abilities to keep him from feeling pain while the EMTs did emergency aid, but as a result, Touma lost the ability to retain memories of her.[143]
August 3[]
August 4[]
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  • Having formed in the Pacific, Typhoon 11 was projected to hit Japan and Academy City.[146]
August 5[]
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August 6[]
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August 7[]
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  • As the date changes and the eye of Typhoon 11 passes overhead, Mugino Shizuri fights Ainame Caroline but struggles against the researcher. However, Takitsubo Rikou causes Mugino to ingest Body Crystal, causing Meltdowner to go wild in a way Ainame Caroline could not predict, dealing her a fatal injury.[149]
August 8[]
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August 9[]
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August 29[]
  • In the early morning, Item infiltrates the Clone Complex to assassinate the leader of the science cult Ark of the Electronic Sea but are beaten to their target by Sadistic Dolls. Unknown to them, Judgment member Minamioki Sarusa had recently been murdered there by the cult, resulting in both groups becoming targets of a Number 000.[103][151]
  • Through the day, Item attempts to gain information on Sadistic Dolls, intending to eliminate their rivals. Eventually, they run into them by accident in Moe Bells. Four members of Sadistic Dolls are killed in the ensuing battle, while the leader is assassinated by the Frees, who had been hired to only gather information for Judgment Branch 000 but killed her for a previous transgression.[152][153][151]
August 30[]
  • In the early morning, the Frees continue surveillance on Item in District 4's Chinatown, but inadvertently come into contact with their targets and are roped into their investigation into the previous day's murder. They are eventually exposed as the culprits and two are killed by Item, while the third is killed by Mugino's school friend Shiratori Okibi, who reveals herself to Item as a detective operating in the dark side.[154][153]
  • Following their initial retreat, Item track down Shiratori Okibi to School District 16, with a final confrontation late at night.[155] After the detective's death, Item learn of the Judgment death and the elimination order.[151]
August 31[]


  • Shirai Kuroko meets Uiharu Kazari in the Judgment Training Center.
  • Shirai Kuroko, Konori Mii, and Uiharu Kazari are dragged into a robbery in a post office.[158]
    • The robber with the Equal Speed ability injures Mii and Kuroko, but thanks to Uiharu getting the unexpected assistance of Misaka Mikoto, Kuroko successfully apprehends the robbers.[159]


Main Story[]

Main Story Year 1[]


Third Week[]

January/February (6 Months Before the Big Spider Arc)[]

  • Kurozuma Wataru is released from custody.


First Week[]
Fourth Week[]


March 15[]


First Week[]
  • In Brazil, Ines tells her story that Misaka Tabigake met her when she is poor, and gave her advice about setting up a business of collecting rare metals.[165]
Fourth Week[]


Second Week[]
  • Ollerus visits the city of Milan in Italy to destroy an organization that specializes in human trafficking.[167]
May 11 (3 Months Before August 11)[]
  • Misaka 9982 is produced.[168]
  • A female researcher inside a scientific facility orders Misaka clones to dispose the remains of a handful of clones killed in past experiments.
Fourth Week[]
  • Hamazura Shiage, while speaking to Kuruwa, jokingly suspects that his friend Hattori Hanzou might be a the surviving descendant of a near-future-like Shinobi Soldier. To his surprise, it seems that he was right.[169]


Second Week[]
June 17[]
  • Mikoto meets Kamijou Touma for the first time when he tries to save her from delinquents and accidentally enrages her. After this event, Mikoto would later meet Touma again several times, trying to fight him.[171]
June 23[]
  • Kuroko becomes roommates with Mikoto after forcing her previous roommate to move.[172]


July 1[]
  • Misaka Mikoto goes to Russia for a demonstration for Academy City's partners, and later gets involved with New Light.[173]
First Week[]
  • In a bar in London, Kamijou Touya and his colleague Tanaka meet Misaka Tabigake by chance.[174]
  • A girl, a Gemstone, meets Touya, Tanaka, and Tabigake while fleeing from her pursuers.[174]
  • Touya and Tanaka fake their own deaths by hijacking a Cessna and having it explode.[174]
Second Week[]
  • Kumokawa Seria contacts Kaizumi Tsugutoshi, one of Academy City's directors, and they have a conversation regarding the treatment of Gemstones.[175]
  • Kamijou Touma meets Seria by chance after getting soaked from a malfunctioning water sprinkler.[175]
July 10[]
July 11 (One Week Before July 18)[]
July 16[]
  • The Level Upper Arc begins (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga).
    • Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, and Misaka Mikoto respond to a robbery initiated by a group of robbers led by a Level 3 Pyrokinesist.[178]
July 17[]
  • Being mistaken for a new Judgment recruit, Misaka Mikoto helps an officer look for Hazamaya Kana's bag, thinking it's related to the Graviton bombings. She returns it to Kana intact.[179]
  • Kamijou Touma is confronted by Misaka Mikoto, who challenges him to a duel at the riverbank. The fight ends with Touma fleeing from Mikoto all night.[171]
  • Konori Mii and a fellow Judgment officer attempt to evacuate a Green-Mart after detecting graviton acceleration there. However, the bomb is triggered, severely injuring the fellow officer after he protected a girl who injured her leg.
July 18[]
  • Kushiro Katabira is linked to the incidents of explosions that alarmed District 7.[180]
  • Kamijou Touma saves Misaka Mikoto, Uiharu Kazari, and Hazamaya Kana from an explosion in Seventh Mist caused by the Graviton Bomber.[181]
    • The Graviton Bomber is arrested.
July 19[]
  • Uiharu Kazari becomes ill due to a cold. Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko conduct research into the Level Upper.
    • Kamijou Touma accidentally interferes with Misaka Mikoto's attempt to extract information from Junta and his gang at Bennys (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga).[182]
  • The Index Arc begins.
    • Kamijou Touma is confronted on a bridge by Misaka Mikoto after trying to protect the thugs from her wrath. Their meeting causes a city-wide blackout.[183][184]
    • With the blackout, Index slips into Academy City. While jumping from rooftop to rooftop in order to flee from Stiyl Magnus and Kanzaki Kaori, she eventually ends up on the balcony railing of Kamijou Touma's dorm.
July 20[]
  • Summer break officially starts in Academy City.
  • Kamijou Touma meets Index Librorum Prohibitorum on his balcony. After Touma feeds her and learns of the existence of magicians, Index leaves.[185]
  • Kaitabi Hatsuya falls into a coma.
  • Saten Ruiko finds the Level Upper.
  • Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari and Saten Ruiko meet with Kiyama Harumi to discuss the existence and properties of the Level Upper.[186]
  • Misaka Mikoto meets Kamijou Touma and once again challanges him, but Touma dismisses her attempts. Mikoto loses confidence in her own abilities.
  • Kuroko tracks down Junta and his gang from the botched investigation the day before, and enquiries about the Level Upper.
  • Kamijou Touma returns home, and is attacked by Stiyl Magnus. After winning the fight, he takes an injured Index away.
July 21[]
  • Kamijou Touma and Index are given refuge at Tsukuyomi Komoe's house for the next three days.
  • Saten Ruiko defends Koujun Kikuhiko from Trick and his gang, who were charging money for a copy of the Level Upper.[188]
    • Shirai Kuroko destroys a building in order to defeat Trick and save Ruiko and Kikuhiko. Feeling powerless and scared, Ruiko shares the Level Upper with her school friends Akemi, Muu, and Mako.[189]
July 24[]
  • Misaka Mikoto regains her determination to defeat Kamijou Touma.
  • Akemi falls into a coma due to her use of the Level Upper.
  • Saten Ruiko falls into a coma due to her use of the Level Upper.
  • With Heaven Canceller's help, the creator of the Level Upper is revealed to be Kiyama Harumi.[190]
  • Harumi takes Uiharu Kazari hostage to stall for time while she attempts to make calculations using the Level Upper network.[190]
    • Mikoto faces off against Harumi. Harumi's subsequent defeat spawns the AIM Burst.[191]
      • Mikoto defeats the AIM Burst.[192]
        • Harumi is taken into custody.
        • Ruiko and the other victims of the Level Upper wake from their comas.[191]
  • The Level Upper Arc ends (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga).
  • Kamijou Touma and Index head for a bathhouse.
    • Kamijou Touma is attacked by Kanzaki Kaori. After learning of Index's memory erases and the relationship between her, Kanzaki, and Stiyl Magnus, Touma attempts to force Kanzaki to abandon her pursuit. He is defeated and falls unconscious for three days.[193]
July 25[]
  • Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko are forced to spend the day cleaning the pool after breaking curfew the previous night (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga).[194]
July 27[]
  • Kamijou Touma awakens after three days and affirms his desire to protect Index.
    • Stiyl Magnus and Kanzaki Kaori arrive at Tsukuyomi Komoe's house to perform the memory-erasing ritual at midnight.[195]
July 28[]
  • Kamijou Touma accidentally awakens Index in John's Pen mode, causing her to go on a rampage.
    • Kamijou Touma tells Stiyl Magnus and Kanzaki Kaori that they have been deceived by the Church. The three of them work together to restrain Index.
      • 12:22 AM[196]: Tree Diagram is destroyed when Kamijou Touma deflects a powerful attack from Index.
      • Kamijou Touma loses his memories after protecting Index from the fallout of one of her own attacks.
  • As Kamijou Touma recovers in the hospital, he lies to Index about his memory loss to alleviate her pain.[197]
  • The Index Arc ends.
    • An agreement is later established between the Anglican Church and Academy City for cooperation.[198]


  • One month before August 31st, Etzali infiltrates Academy City under the orders of his faction, the Return of the Winged One, to judge if the growing Kamijou Faction is dangerous, and dismantle it if so.[199]
  • 28 days prior to events in the Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator manga,[200] Hirumi, Hishigata's sister, dies. Not long after, Esther attempts to resurrect her, resulting in the Taowu spirit, who in actuality is her family's 4th head Isaac, possessing her body. He is later contacted by a self-proclaimed demon, telling him the secret on how to achieve his dreams of creating a perfect golem by merely having the body die 10,000 deaths.[201] Isaac, through the use of Hishigata's affection for his little sister, later manipulates him to achieve this goal.

August 1[]

First Week of August[]
August 8[]
August 9[]
  • The Deep Blood Arc ends.
    • Aureolus Izzard is declared dead after the events of the arc, but the truth is that he had his memories and appearance changed after his ability to use magic was sealed as a consequence of his defeat.
    • Himegami Aisa acquires the Walking Church cross necklace, sealing her powers.
  • The Poltergeist Arc ends (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun anime).
August 10[]
  • The Sisters Arc (Railgun) begins (date based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga).
August 20[]
August 22[]
August 24[]
  • Etzali abducts Unabara Mitsuki, takes Mitsuki's form, and begins stalking Misaka Mikoto, with the objective of taking her form and sowing distrust amongst Kamijou Touma and his peers.[203]
August 27[]
  • Due to the increased hostilities by delinquents who are looking for prestige and glory via defeating the one who defeated Accelerator, Kamijou Touma is forced to leave Academy City (along with Index) temporarily at the urging of Tsukuyomi Komoe while Academy City quells the situation.
  • Due to the distortion of the elements, Kamijou Touya accidentally triggers Angel Fall through sheer coincidence. As a result, Archangel Gabriel appears on Earth, steals the body of Sasha Kreutzev and assumes the name Misha Kreutzev.
  • Based on the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga: Kongou Mitsuko successfully transfers to Tokiwadai Middle School, and ends up lost while trying to find her dormitory. Misaka Mikoto later uses Kongou to get away from Unabara Mitsuki (Etzali), who is following her, and later hangs out with her, leaving Kongou completely unaware of Mikoto's status as a Level 5 and confused about her apparent popularity.[204]
August 28[]
August 30[]
August 31[]


September 1[]
September 2[]
September 3[]
  • Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, and Saten Ruiko are randomly selected to take part in Academy City's seven-day exchange program. Here, they are taken to Liberal Arts City, an affiliate of Academy City, and are later involved in a conspiracy involving Aztec magicians.[209]
September 6[]
September 8[]
September 9[]
September 10[]
September 12[]
September 14[]
September 15[]
Third Week of September[]
September 18[]
September 19[]
September 20[]
September 25[]
September 26[]
September 27[]
  • Shirai Kuroko saves a girl from an accident thanks to the event being predicted by a Treasure Hunting App. She and Uiharu Kazari later meet the creator of this app, Miyama Shaei, a young boy with a precognitive esper power similar to Thoughtography, whose predictions are usually inevitable unless there is interference by a 11-dimensional power, like Kuroko's Teleport. Over the next few days, Miyama will collaborate with the two girls, giving them predictions so they can stop tragic events before they happen.
September 28[]
September 30[]
  • The Academy City Invasion Arc occurs.
    • Vento of the Front invades Academy City.
    • Kihara Amata is ordered to capture Last Order and inject her with a virus that will allow Fuse Kazakiri to manifest, as a defence against Vento.
    • Accelerator, showing signs of Awakening, kills Kihara Amata, the one who developed Accelerator's abilities, after Amata tampers with Last Order's coding.
    • Academy City reveals its use of an angel.
    • The Roman Catholic Church's magic is revealed but is covered up as an esper development program done by the Church.
    • Accelerator is recruited into working for Academy City's dark side.
    • Hostilities between Academy City and the Roman Catholic Church become apparent.


October 3[]
  • The Skill-Out leader, Komaba Ritoku, kills himself during the assault by Group, destroying their plans to cause the downfall of Academy City's communication network, which would in turn allow them to attack target espers.
  • Hamazura Shiage becomes the leader of Komaba Ritoku's Skill-Out gang and fails in his mission to kill Misaka Misuzu, due to the intervention of Kamijou Touma, Unabara Mitsuki (Etzali) and Accelerator.
  • Komaba Ritoku's gang is left leaderless, but Hanzou Hattori decides to assume leadership of the gang.
  • The Russian Orthodox Church, represented by Vasilisa, visits London to have a conference with the Anglican Church regarding the upcoming war between Academy City and the Roman Catholic Church.
October 4[]
First Week of October[]
First Friday of October[]
October 7[]
October 8[]
  • Another riot in Avignon starts up.
  • As a sign of strength, Academy City forces France to allow it to invade Avignon in order to catch a religious group violating international law. The invasion forcefully removes the residents of the old city and destroys much of it, including the Palais des Papes.
  • The Document of Constantine Arc ends.
    • The Russian Orthodox Church allies with the Roman Catholic Church.
October 9[]
  • The Battle Royale Arc occurs.
    • Tsuchimikado Motoharu captures Management, a provider for Academy City's dark side.
    • Last Order is discharged from the hospital, and is seen by Uiharu Kazari. Uiharu then accompanies her.
      • Accelerator obtains the blueprints for his choker from Heaven Canceller after putting a gun to his back.
    • Etzali is ambushed by a mercenary group working under Block, but he manages to kill Yamate, an operative of Block, and uses his appearance to infiltrate Block.
    • Before he can be interrogated by Group, Management is killed by Yobou Banka, an operative of School.
    • Sunazara Chimitsu, a mercenary hired by School, attempts to assassinate Oyafune Monaka but fails thanks to Accelerator's intervention.
    • To maintain his cover, Etzali incapacitates Tetsumou, an esper working for Block, by making her lose a few fingers of her right hand and pinning it on a subordinate, which makes Saku Tatsuhiko, the leader of Block, kill the subordinate.
    • School, led by Kakine Teitoku, the second Level 5, attacks the particle engineering lab near Kirigaoka Girls' Academy in District 18 to obtain the Tweezers, but Item, led by Mugino Shizuri, the fourth Level 5, intercepts School. During the battle, Mugino kills Yobou Banka.
      • A girl in a dress, an operative of School, pursues Item, forcing Item to split up. She then attempts to kill Hamazura Shiage but fails.
    • Accelerator is ambushed by Saraku, an esper working for Member, but easily subdues him.
      • Accelerator is tricked into destroying the antenna that communicates with the Hikoboshi II surveillance satellite, rendering the satellite useless.
    • After assembling and equipping the Tweezers, Kakine finds his driver killed by Professor, the leader of Member, and is ambushed. Kakine survives the assault unscathed, and Professor is killed.
      • Finding himself trapped in his underground shelter, Baba Yoshio, an operative of Member, contacts fellow Member operative Xochitl, but she abandons Member.
    • Block attempts to smuggle a force of 5000 mercenaries into Academy City, but thanks to Etzali's intervention, they only manage to get around 100 through, as three Six Wings attack helicopters take out the rest.
      • Etzali and Accelerator each destroy a Six Wings.
    • Block takes over the Reformatory in District 10 in order to take Musujime Awaki's comrades hostage. During the takeover, about 50 of their mercenaries are killed by Xochitl.
      • To protect the hostages, Teshio Megumi, an operative of Block, incapacitates Saku.
        • After overcoming her trauma, Musujime subdues Teshio.
      • Etzali subdues Xochitl. In order to save Xochitl's life, he claims her Aztec grimoire as his own.
    • Shiage is ambushed by three Skill-Out delinquents of a rival gang, but Hattori Hanzou helps him escape. Hanzou then gives Shiage a lady's handgun before Shiage regroups with Item.
    • Item (minus operative Frenda Seivelun) regroups, and decides to locate School with Takitsubo Rikou's help, but School ambushes Item.
      • After presumably killing Sunazara with an explosion, Kinuhata Saiai is subdued by Kakine after learning that Frenda sold out Item to School.
      • To protect Shiage, Takitsubo battles Kakine, who carried Kinuhata's body with him, but faints due to her inability to control Kakine's AIM field.
        • Shiage decides to come back for Takitsubo, and the girl in the dress regroups with Kakine. After telling Shiage about Takitsubo's condition, Kakine leaves with the girl in the dress.
    • To protect Takitsubo, Shiage takes her with him and abandons Item, and finds Yomikawa. He and Takitsubo are then discovered by Mugino, who is revealed to have killed Frenda for her betrayal. Leaving Takitsubo with Yomikawa, he fights Mugino.
      • Shiage presumably kills Mugino by shooting her multiple times. This turn of events defies Aleister Crowley's predictions.
        • Meeting Hanzou again, Shiage tells him that he is leaving Skill-Out.
    • As Uiharu sends Last Order away, she meets Kakine. He then lashes at her, revealing that she sent Last Order away on purpose after sensing his presence. Just as he is about to kill her, Accelerator saves her.
      • After a battle in which he protects the civilians in the vicinity from Kakine's assault, Accelerator defeats Kakine.
        • As Accelerator is about to kill Kakine, Yomikawa convinces him to stop. Kakine takes the chance to critically injure her.
          • Awakening for the second time, Accelerator kills Kakine brutally and goes berserk. Anti-Skill is about to take him down, but Last Order finds him, and manages to calm him down. In the confusion, Tsuchimikado recovers the Tweezers.
    • Group accesses the UNDER_LINE network and discovers the existence of DRAGON.
October 10[]
October 11[]
October 12[]
October 13[]
Second Friday of October[]
October 15[]
October 17[]
October 18[]
  • The British Royal Family Arc ends.
    • Carissa's coup is crushed, Curtana Original is destroyed, Buckingham Palace is razed, and Fiamma of the Right steals Index's John's Pen remote control from its ruins.
  • Nikola Tolstoy takes control of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Russia attacks the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.
  • Russia sends an ultimatum to Academy City demanding it to halt all projects and pursuits it is undertaking under 24 hours or Russia will declare war.
October 19[]
  • Academy City rejects Russia's terms, forcing Russia make a Proclamation of War against Academy City and its allied forces, officially starting World War III.
October 30[]
  • World War III ends with the Proclamation of Armistice by Russia and its allied forces.
  • The World War III Arc ends.
    • Kamijou Touma is presumed dead after falling into the Arctic Ocean during the events of World War III.
    • The Church of England discovers Aleister Crowley to be alive.


  • A strange power begins manifesting in Kamisato Kakeru's right hand and he begins becoming involved in events which lead to him saving various girls, who come to form the Kamisato Faction.[223]
November 5[]
  • Freshmen Arc occurs.
    • The group Freshmen starts an operation that has the objective of having the Academy City Board of Directors label Hamazura Shiage and Accelerator as "too dangerous to be left alone". The operation succeeds, but it causes the downfall of Freshmen as the people involved are defeated by the counterattack of their targets.[224]
    • Kamijou Touma returns to Academy City with the help of Leivinia Birdway and her magic cabal.
  • Homecoming Arc occurs.
    • Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, and Hamazura Shiage work together to prevent a floating landmass, referred to as Radiosonde Castle by Necessarius, from falling onto Academy City.[225]
November 10[]
  • Hawaii Invasion Arc occurs.
    • Leivinia Birdway has members of the Kamijou Faction confront Gremlin in Hawaii, in a gambit to strike the core of Academy City, and bring out Gremlin out in the open at the same time.[226] Trident and Gremlin join forces, under the control of Olay Blueshake and Saronia A. Irivika, to invade Hawaii as a starting point to turn the United States of America into a theocracy.
      • The private military company, Trident, manages to agree with the terms of their surrender, proposed by Roberto Katze, to the United States of America.
      • Kilauea erupts, sending volcanic ash into the atmosphere.
      • 27 Academy City Cooperative Institutions withdraw their cooperation with Academy City after the events of the invasion, and the subsequent discovery of Academy City agents (Touma and company) meddling in international affairs. Natural Selector, a tournament dedicated to finding a new global standard to replace the espers of Academy City, is announced shortly after. Baggage City is also purchased by the institutions.
November 13[]
  • Baggage City Arc occurs.
    • The Natural Selector tournament is started by Science Guardian, formerly known as the 27 Cooperative Insitutions of Academy City, and is held in Baggage City amidst millions of spectators and countless competitors.[227]
      • A bloody suppression by Academy City is inflicted upon the city, ending the tournament, and later, despite the combined efforts of Baggage City and Gremlin, Science Guardian acquiesces to Academy City's demands.
Late November[]
  • Toaru Majutsu no Index: Shokuhou Misaki Figurine occurs. It concludes two days before Othinus obtains Gungnir.[234]
  • Magic God Othinus Arc occurs.
    • A secret meeting between various heads of state and leaders is held in New York to find an answer to the Gremlin problem.
    • Gremlin invades Tokyo.
      • Due to the ineffectual handling of the situation by the Japanese government, the Anti-Gremlin Alliance and Academy City separately deal with Gremlin on their own.
    • Othinus completes Gungnir and recreates the world. The world undergoes an unknown number of phase shifts before she concedes the world to Touma and returns it back to normal.
    • A manhunt for Othinus and Kamijou Touma is conducted by several different parties (including Gremlin) in the aftermath of Othinus returning the world back to normal, and Touma deciding to protect her. None of the parties successfully eliminate either Othinus and Touma.
      • The leaders in the international coalition later give a speech to their constituents urging them not to give in to the fear and hatred of Othinus. President Roberto Katze, in particular, broadcasts the footage of Touma's battle with Othinus in his attempts to stop her from killing herself during the speech.
    • Aleister Crowley visits a layer of the world where even Othinus' power couldn't reach and finds the Magic Gods stuck in there, then attacks them.
  • Mental Out Arc occurs.
    • Kihara Noukan completes the cleanup of those who become insubordinate to Aleister Crowley, now badly injured after his fight with the Magic Gods, during his long absence and returns full control of Academy City to him.[143]


December 1[]
  • St. Germain Arc occurs.
    • St. Germain enters Academy City and traps people inside the Dianoid. The collective identity is later beaten by efforts of Kanou Shinka with the help of Kamijou Touma, Hamazura Shiage, and their respective group of friends, finally freeing the people trapped there.[235]
    • Magic Gods Nephthys, High Priest, and Niang-Niang deliberately weaken themselves to descend upon the world and enter Academy City to deal with Kamijou Touma. After meandering a bit during St. Germain's attack on the Dianoid, they are struck a blow by Aleister who exploits the spell they used to enter the world. Additionally, Magic God Zombie is killed.[236]
December 3[]
  • The Magic God Invasion Arc occurs.
    • The High Priest approaches Kamijou Touma during Academy City's anti-crime orientation, requesting that he become the true Gremlin's scorer. A destructive chase through Academy City ensues with Touma escaping from the High Priest on an acrobike, together with Misaka Mikoto. The High Priest is eventually launched into space by a mass driver and attempts to return using the Arrowhead Comet. Kihara Noukan destroys the comet and kills the High Priest before it impacts Academy City.[237]
      • During the High Priest's rampage, a vault containing a liquid diamond is compromised, leading to a chase between Akikawa Mie, trying to protect the diamond and her parents, and a trio of university students hoping to steal the diamond.[237]
    • Members of the true Gremlin are 'exiled' by Kamisato Kakeru's World Rejecter, with only Nephthys managing to escape.[238]
  • The World Rejecter Arc occurs.
    • The night after the High Priest's rampage, Kamijou Touma and Kamisato Kakeru clash over the remaining Magic Gods and the Birdway sisters, at odds due to Patricia being infested with Sample Shoggoth and Leivinia turning to dangerous means to save her.[239]
    • After Sample Shoggoth is eliminated prematurely, Nephthys sacrifices herself to save Patricia Birdway. Kamisato Kakeru and Kamijou Touma then clash over the remaining Othinus, with World Rejecter gaining the upper hand over the Imagine Breaker but causing the other power within Touma to emerge and heavily wound Kakeru.[240][241]
    • Kihara Noukan fights with the wounded Kamisato Kakeru, but the Anti-Art Attachment is erased by the World Rejecter and he sustains fatal injuries. Unable to save him at present, Kihara Yuiitsu flash-freezes him in the hope that he could be saved in the future.[241]
December 4[]
  • The Salome Arc begins.
    • Due to the damage to Touma's high school caused by the High Priest, he and his classmates are moved to another school. Kamisato Kakeru also transfers to this school.[242][243]
    • Salome arrives in Academy City,[242] approaching and attempting to provoke Hamazura Shiage and Misaka Mikoto, getting into a fight with the latter before being interrupted by Claire, whom she bisects not long afterwards.[243][244]
    • Kihara Yuiitsu investigates Kihara Noukan and the enemy's power which defeated him, with Kihara Enshuu's help.[245][246]
December 5[]
  • Yuiitsu disguises herself as Keshouin Asuka in order to get close to Kakeru undetected and implement her revenge plan.[247]
  • Having noticed something wrong with Mikoto, Touma learns about Salome from Kakeru. They plan to lure her out, but Kakeru betrays Touma and attempts to kill him together with the Kamisato Faction.[248]
  • Having got into a fight with Accelerator, Salome lures him to the Kamisato Faction and then escapes with Touma. While searching for materials to repair Salome's body, they learn of his classmates' plan to use the incinerator to get rid of their stuff, suggested by Kakeru. That night, they secretly watch but intervene after learning from Akikawa Mie that Asuka has been replaced and might be trapped in the incinerator, only to find the incinerator empty and Kakeru doesn't know anything about it.[249]
  • Yuiitsu manages to take Kakeru by surprise and sever his right hand. Using a combination of Sample Shoggoth and an attenuated version of the St. Germain virus, she manages to steal World Rejecter. She then fights Kamijou Touma and Salome with Misaka Mikoto ending up in the fray. After accidentally landing in one of Noukan's weapon storages, Mikoto is forced to use the Anti-Art Attachment to save Touma from Yuiitsu. This contact is deemed a threat by Aleister, who has decided to leave his safe zone.[249][250][251]
December 5-7[]
  • At some point after stealing World Rejecter and the initial battle with the Kamisato Faction, Kihara Yuiitsu unleashes the Elements to draw out them out. In response, Fran uses microwaves to create a 55 degree heat wave in Academy City to slow them down. The heat wave and the Elements cause immense damage to Academy City's infrastructure, bringing normal activities in the city to a halt, and forcing residents to take shelter and hunt for water.[252][Notes 3]
December 6[]
  • The Salome Arc concludes.
    • Touma meets Aogami on the way to school and learns that his classmates had come to their senses after the incident the previous night.[251]
December 7[]
  • The Element Arc begins.
    • In the midst of the heat wave, Touma and his classmates carry out a number of water hunts for their school, running into the Elements several times.[253] In order to improve the situation at the school, they agree to make an expedition to District 7's water department to retrieve water purification microbes that could make pool water safe to drink.[254]
December 8[]
  • In the early hours of the morning, Touma's group attempts to retrieve water purification microbes from the water department. They are attacked by Elements, but Mikoto saves Touma with her version of the Anti-Art Attachment.[255]
  • Mikoto takes Touma to Tokiwadai Middle School for treatment. After recovering, Touma aids her and a group from Tokiwadai in an attack on the Crystal Tower. At the same time, Yuiitsu leads a group of Elements in an attack on School Garden and Tokiwadai.[256]
December 9[]
  • The Element Arc concludes.
    • After recovering Touma from an attack by Yuiitsu, the Kamisato Faction march towards the Windowless Building, where Yuiitsu is hiding.[257]
    • A confrontation between Yuiitsu and the Kamisato Faction below the Windowless Building. Yuiitsu's last trap using the building's rocket boosters forces Kakeru to use World Rejecter with conflicting desires, exiling himself in the process.[258] Using the possibility of a way save Kakeru, Yuiitsu forces the Kamisato Faction to go after Touma.[259]
  • The Kamisato Rescue Arc begins.
    • Useful Spider mobilizes and announces the beginning of '48 Hours to Restore Order' in Academy City. Due to Yuiitsu and the Kamisato Factions' manipulations, Touma and Karasuma Fran are sought by them as wanted figures connected to the previous disaster, and the shelter residents are manipulated through the Spheres.[260]
    • While evading the Kamisato Faction and dealing with situations in the city, Touma and Fran manage to acquire the help of Toyama Luca and Mikoto for finding a way to rescue Kakeru from the 'new world'.[261]
    • At night, while the group is investigating the core of the original Anti-Art Attachment in a District 11 container yard, Mikoto is attacked by a curse directed at her by Aleister Crowley.[261]
    • After being exiled, Kakeru is beaten up by the Magic Gods, who have settled in the 'new world'.[262][263] Nephthys and Niang-Niang protect him when the rest of Gremlin decide to escalate his punishment, resulting in a battle between the Magic Gods with planetary-scale devastation.[1]
December 10[]
  • After getting Mikoto to Heaven Canceller's hospital, Touma's group decide to set off a delayed explosion at Useful Spider's base in School District 21 to draw their forces away from District 11 so they could access the A.A.A.'s core. Due to Useful Spider's actions, the Kamisato Faction see them as an obstacle and also target their base. During the battle at the base, Fran's nature as a magician and spy from the Anglican Church is revealed.[264]
  • Escaping from School District 21, Fran and Luca move to cast the spell to rescue Kamisato Kakeru from the 'new world'. After the initial attempt with the A.A.A. is thwarted by Maya, the group manages to fend off the pursuing Kamisato Faction and use the part of Nephthys inside Patricia Birdway to carry out the retrieval spell. After their success, the Kamisato Faction turns on Yuiitsu and retrieve World Rejecter.[265][266]
  • The battle between the Magic Gods in the 'new world' continues up to Kakeru's departure.[17][267]
December 11[]
  • The Kamisato Rescue Arc concludes.
    • Useful Spider declares the end of '48 Hours to Restore Order'. Residents leave the shelters and run to their homes as normal activities resume in Academy City.[266]
    • Fran is confronted by Aleister Crowley. Before she can be abducted, Aleister is shot by Tsuchimikado Motoharu for not fulfilling his promise to protect Maika. With Aleister not dead, the two decide to go to Touma and use him as a shield to protect themselves from Aleister.[266]
  • The Aleister Crowley Arc occurs.
    • Touma accompanies the Tsuchimikados and Fran in their attempt to escape Academy City, however Maika is pierced by a cursed shadow sword at the wall, which summons chain beasts bearing Karma to their position and forces them to break into the Windowless Building and face Aleister to find a way to remove it.[268][269]
    • After the group enter the Windowless Building, Touma is split up from the others. As he ascends the Windowless Building, he is shown a series of visions detailing Aleister's past, guided through them by a recreation of Mina Mathers by the Reading Thoth 78.[270]
    • Meanwhile, Misaka Mikoto reanalyzes the original Anti-Art Attachment with Shokuhou Misaki's help. After determining that it is connected to the Board Chairman, who is focused on and facing Touma, the two cooperate and manage to penetrate the Windowless Building's walls with the Liquid Proof Railgun.[270]
    • Touma faces Aleister in battle, during which he summons Aiwass as part of a ceremony to destroy the phases. Due to the intervention of the Reading Thoth 78, as well as Mikoto's attack on the building and the group's dispelling of the shadow sword, Aiwass disappears and Touma is able to knock out Aleister.[271]
    • Following the battle, Aleister is attacked by Laura Stuart who is revealed to be the demon Coronzon possessing his second daughter's body. Immediately after her 'victory', she learns that the British Commonwealth is under attack and that Aleister has diffused into over a billion potential selves. At the same time, one of Aleister's potentials rescues Touma, who was blown out of the building during the attack.[60]
  • The Processor Suit Arc begins.
    • Aleister launches the Windowless Building into space in order to delay Coronzon. The Reading Thoth 78 in the form of Mina Mathers prevents the demon's avatar from escaping before Aiwass intervenes. Aiwass grants Mina a grimoire to act as a vessel for her consciousness outside the building, allowing her to escape. Aiwass then faces Coronzon as the Windowless Building leaves the atmosphere.[272][273][274] Around the same time, Aiwass releases Lilith's essence back into the world through Academy City's AIM diffusion fields.[56][275]
    • Coronzon uses Karasuma Fran as its secondary avatar, under the name A. O. Francisca, in an attempt to seize the Bank, attacking the trading office where its previous form was located and taking its new form, the Processor Suit. She places an identical suit on Hamazura Shiage as a decoy, but ends up targeting him due to an access conflict created by the two suits, making use of both the suit and Mimetic Predators.[276][277][278][279][280][281]
    • While being pursued by both A. O. Francisca and Anti-Skill, Shiage comes across the baby Lilith and cares for her. With assistance from Takitsubo Rikou and the other members of Item, he manages to get Lilith to Heaven Canceller's Hospital.[276][277][278]
    • Mina encounters Accelerator while he is pursuing A. O. Francisca and the Processor Suit.[276][277][278]
    • Touma accompanies Aleister as they try to track down Coronzon's secondary avatar.[276][277][278]
December 12[]
  • The Processor Suit Arc concludes.
    • As Shiage fights A. O. Francisca at the hospital, with Touma and Aleister joining the battle. Coronzon activates Index's John's Pen Mode but Mina uses her grimoire to disable the control over her. Having reunited with his daughter and received an oracle from Aiwass via Mina, Aleister annihilates the Mimetic Predators before surgically excising Coronzon from Fran.[278][282][283]
    • After the battle, Aleister makes a deal with Touma, Accelerator and Shiage, aiming to travel to England to eradicate Coronzon's influence and save his daughter Lola.[284]
    • Coronzon manages to defeat Aiwass and turns the Windowless Building around to crash onto Academy City, but Aiwass intentionally lost and made it so that Coronzon would end up shifted into the New World. After being toyed with by the Magic Gods, Coronzon manages to return to the regular world (dragging Nephthys and Niang-Niang along with her), only to find Academy City shut down by Aleister's virus and its population set to evacuate, with Aleister declaring war against the demon.[56][275][284]
  • The Coronzon Arc begins.
    • Aleister temporarily seals Coronzon in Academy City using the Banner of the West, buying time for him to deal with the roots the demon has placed in the United Kingdom. Academy City is evacuated.[285]
December 12+[]
  • The Coronzon Arc occurs
    • Following a trip through several countries, including Egypt where Lilith is left hidden in Mina's care, Aleister and Touma's group arrive at the Strait of Dover as the Crowley's Hazards overwhelm the crossing and land on the Dover shores.[285][286]
    • After landing at Dover, Aleister and Touma's group fly towards London in a non-magical balloon, slipping past the magical anti-air defenses. After passing Canterbury and the outer walls of the England-Londinium Fortress, Aleister engineers Touma's capture by the Knights so he would be taken to the Tower of London and be in a position to destroy the core of the final barrier protecting London.[286][287]
    • Having been separated from the others during the landing, Hamazura Shiage and Takitsubo Rikou make their way to London by car, with Nephthys and Niang-Niang joining them. On the way, they pick up Agata and other members of the Agnese Forces.[286][287]
    • Following the barrier's destruction, Aleister arrives in London and fights Kanzaki Kaori and the Knight Leader. The defenders deploy the Divine Mixtures against Aleister and the Crowley's Hazards, transforming the London landscape into that of Egypt as imagined by the Europeans. Due to the defenders not knowing the proper way of using them, most of the Divine Mixtures are destroyed without displaying their true power.[288]
    • The last Divine Mixture, Isis-Demeter, is brought to the British Museum by Oriana Thomson and presented to the Agnese Forces. Before any of them can offer their body to it, Orsolas Aquinas, overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness, offers up herself.[288] Touma and Aleister face Orsola, possessed by Isis-Demeter and with her perception distorted, near the Palace of Westminster. Elsewhere, Accelerator interrogates Holegres Mirates, the knight responsible for the situation. The battle moves to the London Underground, where Aleister is seriously injured by Isis-Demeter's true power. Realizing the truth behind the Divine Mixture's power of weaponizing mutual intolerance, Touma eventually manages to get through to Orsola and get her to separate from Isis-Demeter, which they then destroy.[289]
    • Arriving at Westminster Abbey, Aleister seeks Mathers' corpse in the graveyard in order to utilize its connection to Coronzon but finds another in its place. He is then confronted by Mathers himself and other members of the Golden Dawn, thought to be dead but apparently alive. Touma and Accelerator stand alongside Aleister.[290]
    • Heaven Canceller, accompanied by a revived Kihara Noukan, goes to the RV where Mina and Lilith are hiding to help make a body for the latter.[290][291]
    • After escaping from Westminster Abbey, Touma and Aleister's group flee into London while preparing their counterattack, pursued by the Golden Dawn. After encounters in Piccadilly Circus and the Isis-Urania Temple, it is revealed that the Golden Dawn are actually tarot-based grimoire reproductions, created by Coronzon as an anti-Crowley measure. During a clash with Mathers, Aleister is forced to unlock Academy City's technology to turn the tables.[292][293] Shortly afterwards, Coronzon escapes the seal and takes flight.[294]
    • As the Royal Family are being evacuated to Scotland, Mathers and the Golden Dawn move to pursue them, in order to prevent the barrier on the real Mathers' grave in Edinburgh Castle from being shattered by their presence. A battle ensues on the motorway between the defenders of the royal carriage and the cabal, with Touma joining in partway.[295]
    • After being separated from the others, Aleister and Mathers face off in front of the church where Aleister was married, at sunrise. Aleister eventually succeeds in disrupting the flow of power from the ley lines to the grimoires, erasing the reproductions of the Golden Dawn.[296]
  • The Coronzon Arc concludes
    • Reaching Edinburgh Castle and finding the real Mathers' corpse, Aleister attempts to use the connection to save his daughter from Coronzon. Too late, it is revealed that Coronzon had lied and she never was possessing Aleister's daughter. With Aleister heavily wounded and Mathers' corpse burnt, Kamijou Touma faces Coronzon,[57] but his Imagine Breaker is ineffective against her and he is grievously injured by the demon's flaming sword.[297] Aleister manages to save Touma, cutting off his right arm to prevent the Imagine Breaker interfering with the healing process. With Aleister and Touma both down, Mikoto and Misaki take advantage of Accelerator's arrival to escape from Coronzon.[298]
    • Coronzon steals the Honours of Scotland and the Queen Britannia, intending to use them to hijack the United Kingdom's magical foundation and as the ignition of the Ceremony of Mo Athair, intended to cause the world's breakdown.[298][299][300] At the same times, she commences multiple simultaneous attacks across the world through the ley lines in order to eliminate possible threats and incite chaos.[299][300]
    • Starting at 11 AM, the British forces, aided by Touma and Aleister's group, attack the Queen Britannia on the frozen Irish sea, in order to thwart the Ceremony of Mo Athair.[301] In the final stages of the battle, Coronzon accidentally breaks the seal on the entity lurking behind the Imagine Breaker, resulting in her defeat and the ship's destruction.[301] Touma is subsequently forced to flee in order to prevent the entity from harming anyone.[26]
    • Shortly after noon, as the bisected Queen Britannia sinks and following an encounter with Madame Horos, Aiwass and Anna Sprengel, the dying Aleister entrusts Accelerator with the full authority of Academy City's Board Chairman. Although her own body dies and is recovered by the British forces, an unexpected side-effect of the 1909 summoning results in Aleister taking control of Coronzon's body.[26]
  • The Kamijou Arc occurs
    • In the aftermath of the battle with Coronzon, as a result of the damage he sustained and his own regrets, an emanation of Touma's power takes on his form and makes off with Imagine Breaker, intending to usurp his identity as a party is held at Windsor Castle to celebrate the victory over Coronzon.[302] These circumstances and subsequent manipulations eventually result in a battle between the two Toumas and associated forces at the castle, ending with the original regaining everything that the other had taken.[302]
    • As Academy City recovers, several days after the initial evacuation, students return to the city from around the world. Accelerator takes his seat as the new Board Chairman. Remaining in the UK, the recreated Dion Fortune offers her services as a new Archbishop for the Anglican Church. Meanwhile, Anna Sprengel plans her own moves to make up for the two outcomes which defied her expectations, and Aleister warns Tsuchimikado Motoharu of the new threat which has emerged in a coded message.[303]
  • With her knowledge, manipulations and hidden Rosicrucian treasures stashes, Anna Sprengel founds R&C Occultics, an IT company specializing in magic, recruiting numerous sacrificial pawns to support the growth of the company, itself intended as a sacrificial piece for her true goals. With both Magic and Science Sides not able to properly tackle it, the company rapidly expands.[304][305]
  • One of the companies that R&C Occultics seizes control of is Space Engage, with the Logistic Hornets being exploited for a worldwide delivery system and atmospheric control weapon rather than the easier space travel they were meant to achieve. Many of the original start-up employees are driven away, but Melzabeth Grocery stays to unsuccessfully try and prevent her dream and creations from being abused.[306]
December 24[]
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GT1 Ch/Pt Refs[304]
  • The Christmas Eve Arc occurs.
    • Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki work together to escape Tokiwadai's strict Christmas oversight while mutually intending to betray one another, with Mikoto being the one to succeed. She runs into Kamijou Touma shortly after midnight as he is caught up in trouble caused by an incognito Anna Sprengel, and again while trying to escape from a mob of Tokiwadai students and teachers, after Touma's remote remedial lesson was cut off by technical failure with no way for him to contact Tsukuyomi Komoe. Unsure how to spend Christmas Eve, Touma, Index and Mikoto end up playing a darts game at a bar.[304]
    • As Board Chairman Accelerator has turned himself in to Anti-Skill and is preparing to initiate Operation Handcuffs to eliminate the Dark Side of Academy City (with Yomikawa Aiho visiting him in the final stages), Board Director Neoka Norito has his agent Maidono Hoshimi attempt to kidnap Last Order for use as a bargaining chip. Though injured in the initial kidnapping, Touma manages to defeat Maidono and foil the abduction with help from Misaka 10032, Mikoto and Index.[304]
    • With evidence of Neoka's involvement uncovered, the group head for his base as Anti-Skill also moves in, interrupting him in a staged attempt to frame Anti-Skill for alleged injuries and use their rules to impede their investigation long enough for him to eliminate the incriminating evidence. Neoka attempts to eliminate them using magic he acquired from R&C Occultics, which he helped to spread but didn't recognize as the occult, but is defeated by Touma with help from Othinus.[304]
    • After the director's defeat, Touma is ambushed by Anna Sprengel, her identity now revealed, who forces a black pill into his mouth.[304]
December 25[]
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GT2 Ch/Pt Refs,[305] GT3[307]
  • The Christmas Day Arc occurs.
    • Having been infected with the St. Germain virus, Touma is hospitalized, meeting Shokuhou Misaki and a hospitalized Aogami Pierce. He eventually learns from Heaven Canceller that his condition (the true nature of which not known to the doctor) is going to soon kill him at its current rate of progress, the virus spreading throughout his esper body and wrecking it with the rejection reaction as it automatically refines magic power inside it.[305]
    • Hearing the severity of Touma's condition, Mikoto and Shokuhou confront Anna Sprengel in hopes of extracting a cure and stalling her march towards the hospital. Despite bringing their strongest tools and their best efforts, they are no match for Anna who toys with them until she loses interest and crushes them.[305]
    • Incidents and casualties across the world due to the spread of magical knowledge by R&C Occultics continue to rise, particularly among Academy City's esper population, overwhelming the city's hospitals. On learning that the girls went to face Anna, a dying Touma attempts to leave the hospital, rejecting help from Maidono Hoshimi and Aihana Etsu, but coming to an understanding with the now-aware St. Germain inside him.[305]
    • Touma confronts Anna outside the hospital as she was about to finish off the girls, working in tandem with the magic-wielding St. Germain, with Anna fighting with powers formed and focused on her right hand in mockery of her opponent. At the same time, Index and Othinus work to save the hospitalized espers from their affliction. On the ropes for most of the fight, Touma and St. Germain manage to use knowledge spread by R&C Occultics to deduce the nature of Anna's spell and disrupt it long enough to land a knock-out punch.[305]
    • With Touma on the verge of death, St. Germain converges the virus comprising his being on Imagine Breaker and sacrifices himself to save Touma. Mikoto and Shokuhou are hospitalized, while Anna lets herself be captured and imprisoned in a cell next to Accelerator.[305]
  • The Operation Handcuffs Arc begins.
December 26[]
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GT3,[307] GT4 Ch/Pt refs
  • The Operation Handcuffs Arc concludes.
  • The Los Angeles Arc occurs.
    • Identifying R&C Occultics HQ in Los Angeles, Academy City and the Anglican Church join forces to eliminate them in Operation Overlord Revenge. In response, R&C Occultics uses a combination of Citrinitas and the Logistic Hornets to engulf the city in sand and make the entire population disappear, attackers included.[306]
    • Touma accompanies Index as she is brought with Stiyl and Kanzaki to LA to investigate the mass disappearance. Following clues left by a vanished Melzabeth Grocery, they find her daughter Helcalia, the sole person to escape being swallowed up. After Kanzaki falls victim to Citrinitas and Space Engage's creations are revealed to be involved, Touma and Stiyl come into conflict over Melzabeth's apparent role in these events. Touma follows Melzabeth's trail separately to prove her innocence, while the culprit attempts to frame her for their crimes.[306]
    • In Academy City, Accelerator's trial for the clone murders commences, but runs into difficulties from attempts to impede it. During a break, a communication with Archbishop Dion Fortune convinces Accelerator to take a risk and allow the Sisters to reveal themselves to the world in order to help Touma and his efforts to exonerate Melzabeth in LA, resulting in a favorable worldwide reception for the clones. The Sisters fight the hijacked Five Overs from the operation, while Touma focuses on Citrinitas.[306]
    • At the same time, during a charity debate at the White House, Vice President Darris Hewlane is revealed to be in league with R&C Occultics, his betrayal motivated by a desire to seize the presidency. His double clashes with President Roberto Katze in a gun fight, while also fighting Touma as Citrinitas in LA. He is ultimately bested in both battles and the core of his spell destroyed, freeing the trapped people from the sand.[306]
    • While Melzabeth and Helcalia reunite and Accelerator's trial concludes, the executives of R&C Occultics are brutally killed ahead of the Anglicans' arrival by Aleister Crowley in a message to Anna Sprengel, who has made contact with the Bridge Builders Cabal elsewhere.[306]
December 26-29[]
December 29[]
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December 31[]
  • The New Year's Eve Arc occurs.
    • Kamijou Touma takes up Kumokawa Seria's situation and journeys to Shibuya for a part-time job to earn money to survive until the ATMs reopen on January 4th, ending up making food deliveries.[310][311] Shortly before departure at 9AM, due to the circumstances in the Bridge Builders Cabal, Aradia makes an attempt on Touma's life which is thwarted by the Bologna Succubus and Good Old Mary, with Touma himself not fully aware of what transpired.[310][311]
    • In the early afternoon, Aradia tries to assassinate Touma again, the other two again intervening. The Bologna Succubus escapes through the air with Touma, filling him in on the situation along the way. The two hide in the Miyashita Ark shopping mall as the witch searches for them. Eventually finding them, Aradia is narrowly repelled but escapes when Touma focuses on the injured succubus instead.[312]
    • After the sunset, having converted thousands in Shibuya into a new coven, Aradia sends the group to kill Touma. In response, the Bologna Succubus uses her own magic to incite mass hysteria against them, with Shibuya falling into chaos as witches clash with 'witch hunters'. Pursuing the Transcendents in order to put a stop to it, Touma arrives as the succubus is mortally wounded, having lost too much blood in the process of reviving Touma previously for Good Old Mary to use her resurrection technique. But after Kumokawa's suggestion of using a blood substitute, she, Mary and Index take the demon to find one, while Touma stays to face Aradia with Othinus at his side.[313] The girls manage to find a substitute in time, while Touma eventually defeats Aradia.[314]
    • Having taken advantage of the chaos to retrieve the preserved body of Anna Kingsford from the Miyashita Ark,[46] Aleister reanimates her using technology and she easily defeats Anna Sprengel before she can cause any mischief in the aftermath of Aradia's defeat, sealing her alive. Aleister then interrogates Anna Sprengel about the Bridge Builders Cabal and Alice Anotherbible.[36] Meanwhile, as the year ends, Touma discovers via phone call that his parents actually could have transferred money directly to him after all and gets set upon by his angry roommates.[36]

Main Story Year 2[]


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GT7,[315][316][317][318][319] GT8[320] GT9[321]
January 1[]
January 2[]
January 3[]
  • The New Year's Arc continues.
    • Martial law is declared in Academy City.
January 4[]
January 5[]
January 6[]
January 7[]


  • It is unclear which years the series takes place in. There are some hints that it is in the first decades of the 21st century, as evidenced by 1700 years having passed since the rule of Constantine the Great in the 4th century and Aleister Crowley being said to have died more than 60 years ago in 1947. The global population is also said to be of 6 billions (and in later volumes, 6 or 7 billions), as was the case from 1999 to 2012, but the Catholic population is of 2 billion adherents and the British population of 90 millions (as opposed to 1.2 billion members and ≈ 60 million British in real life). Furthermore, the year has been stated to have the third Friday of March as March 15 and five Fridays in September, which should technically be impossible. Regardless, one should keep in mind that the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe is first and foremost a fictional universe, so it's expected to not always be comparable to ours.


  • A note on dates: This timeline is written according to the dates presented in the Toaru Majutsu no Index light novels and the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun manga. Regarding the Level Upper arc, the order of events differs between the manga and the anime. Since the anime changes certain events (removing crossovers with the Toaru Majutsu no Index light novels entirely), the manga order takes priority. However, the manga still acknowledges the existence of the anime-exclusive Big Spider and Poltergeist arcs, so they have also been included here.
  1. The epilogue of the fight, based on Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 20 and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 24 taking place on the same night, occurs on October 12th. As the narration mentions that a week had passed from the fight to the epilogue, the Frenda-Rakko fight can be approximated to take place on October 5th. Based on Saiai's words and a text message shown on screen in Toaru Majutsu no Index III Episode 04, Yumiya Rakko was killed, most likely by Item, three days prior to the Battle Royale Arc. As it happens on October 9th, it means Rakko's death happened on October 6th.
  2. Based on Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 25, at some point prior to this date, Hokaze Junko met Uiharu Kazari and Saten Ruiko as described in Astral Buddy Manga Chapter 004.
  3. There are a number of dating discrepancies between volumes taking place during December. In Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 16 and Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 17, there are several references to the rapid onset of the heat wave and the Elements occurring on December 4th. This directly contradicts the events of Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 15 and the previous two volumes. This article proceeds on the assumption that the references to December 4th in Volumes 16 and 17 are erroneous.

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Between the Lines 2
  2. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Between the Lines 1
  3. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 1 Part 3
  4. 4.0 4.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Chapter 2 Part 2
  5. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 4 Part 12
  6. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 10 Chapter 7 Part 7
  7. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08 Chapter 3 Part 4
  8. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08 Chapter 3 Part 6
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Chapter 4 Part 7
  10. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Chapter 2 Part 3
  11. 11.0 11.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 5 Part 8
  12. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 4 Part 3
  13. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion Manga Chapter 8
  14. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion Manga Chapter 5
  15. 15.0 15.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 1 Part 4
  16. 16.0 16.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Between the Lines 1
  17. 17.0 17.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Between the Lines 3
  18. 18.0 18.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 1 Part 6
  19. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 2 Part 3
  20. Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 029
  21. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 2
  22. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 3
  23. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 4
  24. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Between the Lines 2
  25. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Prologue
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Epilogue
  27. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Epilogue
  28. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 6
  29. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 8
  30. 30.0 30.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Reverse Between the Lines 2
  31. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Between the Lines 0
  32. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 6 Part 3
  33. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 3 Part 1
  34. 34.0 34.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Between the Lines 3
  35. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 2 Part 2
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Epilogue
  37. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 1 Part 1
  38. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion Manga Chapter 7
  39. Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Miracle of Endymion Booklet
  40. 40.0 40.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Epilogue
  41. 41.0 41.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 4
  42. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 6
  43. 43.0 43.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 9
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 13
  45. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 1 Part 11
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Between the Lines 1
  47. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 1 Part 3
  48. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Epilogue
  49. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Between the Lines 3
  50. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 4 Part 2
  51. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 1
  52. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3 Part 11
  53. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Between the Lines 3
  54. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 3 Part 20
  55. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Between the Lines 2
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Between the Lines 3
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Epilogue
  58. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Between the Lines 1
  59. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Between the Lines 1
  60. 60.0 60.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Epilogue
  61. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 2 Part 6
  62. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 2 Part 7
  63. 63.0 63.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 3 Part 7
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Prologue
  65. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Epilogue
  66. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 2 Part 8
  67. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 2 Part 3
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 6
  69. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Epilogue
  70. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 3 Part 5
  71. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Agnese's Magic Side Work Experience Chapter 4 Part 2
  72. 72.0 72.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 3 Part 3
  73. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 03 Prologue
  74. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Chapter 1 Part 8
  75. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Chapter 8 Part 5
  76. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09 Between the Connected Points
  77. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 2 Part 8
  78. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Between the Lines 2
  79. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City Chapter 7
  80. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Between the Lines 2
  81. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Epilogue
  82. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Biohacker Chapter 4
  83. Toaru Majutsu no Index Manga Chapter 083
  84. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 24
  85. 85.0 85.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 22
  86. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 4 Part 5
  87. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City Chapter 1
  88. 88.0 88.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 143
  89. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - Misaka Mikoto Maniax Misaka Mikoto's Big, Big, Big Secrets Exposed! Q&A 1
  90. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02 Between the Lines 2
  91. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Between the Lines 3
  92. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Between the Lines 4
  93. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Chapter 3 Part 2
  94. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Chapter 3 Part 3
  95. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 019
  96. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Road to Endymion Chapter 3 Part 5
  97. 97.0 97.1 Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 022
  98. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 2 Chapter 3 Part 4
  99. 99.0 99.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 056.5
  100. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 3 Part 3
  101. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 125
  102. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 129
  103. 103.0 103.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Prologue
  104. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Sub.22
  105. 105.0 105.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Sub.33
  106. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Necessarius Special Admission Test Chapter 3 Part 4
  107. 107.0 107.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04 Chapter 1 Part 3
  108. 108.0 108.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 15
  109. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Road to Endymion Chapter 1 Part 8
  110. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08 Between the Lines 4
  111. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08 Chapter 4 Part 2
  112. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 014
  113. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 2 Part 1
  114. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - Misaka Mikoto Maniax Misaka Mikoto's Big, Big, Big Secrets Exposed! Q&A 30
  115. 115.0 115.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 137.5
  116. 116.0 116.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 132
  117. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 131
  118. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 132.5
  119. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 132.75
  120. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 133
  121. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 134
  122. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 135
  123. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 136
  124. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 137
  125. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 138
  126. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 139
  127. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 140
  128. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 141
  129. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 142
  130. 130.0 130.1 130.2 130.3 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 1
  131. 131.0 131.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Biohacker
  132. 132.0 132.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01
  133. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Biohacker Chapter 6
  134. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Prologue
  135. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 2 Part 3
  136. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 3 Part 4
  137. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Prologue
  138. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 1
  139. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 2
  140. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 3
  141. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 4
  142. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 01 Epilogue
  143. 143.0 143.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Epilogue
  144. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Prologue
  145. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 1
  146. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 1 Part 1
  147. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 2
  148. 148.0 148.1 148.2 148.3 148.4 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 3
  149. 149.0 149.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Chapter 4
  150. 150.0 150.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 02 Epilogue
  151. 151.0 151.1 151.2 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 3 Part 15
  152. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 1
  153. 153.0 153.1 Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 2 Part 1
  154. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 2
  155. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 3
  156. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Chapter 4
  157. Toaru Anbu no Item Light Novel Volume 03 Epilogue
  158. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 017 special 1
  159. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 017 special 2
  160. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 144
  161. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 1
  162. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 2
  163. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 3
  164. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 4
  165. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 5
  166. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08 Chapter 4
  167. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 7
  168. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 020
  169. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 8
  170. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 9
  171. 171.0 171.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 003
  172. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 02
  173. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip
  174. 174.0 174.1 174.2 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 10
  175. 175.0 175.1 Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume SS2 Chapter 11
  176. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 06
  177. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 07
  178. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 001
  179. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 002
  180. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 004
  181. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 005
  182. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 006
  183. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Prologue
  184. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 007
  185. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 1
  186. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 008
  187. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 2
  188. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 009
  189. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 010
  190. 190.0 190.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Volume 02
  191. 191.0 191.1 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Volume 03
  192. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Volume 02
  193. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 3
  194. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 017
  195. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Chapter 4
  196. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Volume 06
  197. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Epilogue
  198. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Prologue
  199. Toaru Majutsu no Index Manga Chapter 024
  200. Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 028
  201. 201.0 201.1 Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 029
  202. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Uiharu SS
  203. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Chapter 2 Part 16
  204. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 040
  205. Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 005
  206. Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Manga Chapter 063
  207. Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Necessarius Special Admission Test Chapter 1 Part 1
  208. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Episode 24
  209. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City
  210. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11 Between the Lines 2
  211. 211.0 211.1 Toaru Project (Official Site), World, Chronicle
  212. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 16
  213. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 075
  214. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 076
  215. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 077
  216. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 17
  217. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 085
  218. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Episode 21
  219. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Epilogue
  220. Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Between the Lines 1
  221. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 097
  222. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Manga Chapter 115
  223. 223.0 223.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Chapter 3 Part 4
  224. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01 Between the Lines 1
  225. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02
  226. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 03
  227. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04
  228. 228.0 228.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Chapter 3 Part 10
  229. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05 Between the Lines 3
  230. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Between the Lines 1
  231. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 2 Part 12
  232. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 3 Part 12
  233. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 4 Part 5
  234. Toaru Majutsu no Index: Shokuhou Misaki Figurine Part 8
  235. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 12
  236. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 12 Epilogue
  237. 237.0 237.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13
  238. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 13 Epilogue
  239. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14
  240. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Chapter 4
  241. 241.0 241.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 14 Epilogue
  242. 242.0 242.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 1
  243. 243.0 243.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 2
  244. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 3 Part 2
  245. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Between the Lines 1
  246. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Between the Lines 2
  247. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Between the Lines 4
  248. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 3
  249. 249.0 249.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 4
  250. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Chapter 5
  251. 251.0 251.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 15 Epilogue
  252. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 3 Part 2
  253. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Prologue
  254. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 1
  255. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 1 Part 4
  256. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 2
  257. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 3
  258. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 4
  259. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16 Epilogue
  260. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Chapter 1
  261. 261.0 261.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Chapter 2
  262. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Prologue
  263. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Between the Lines 1
  264. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Chapter 3
  265. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Chapter 4
  266. 266.0 266.1 266.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Epilogue
  267. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 17 Between the Lines 4
  268. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 1
  269. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 2
  270. 270.0 270.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 3
  271. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18 Chapter 4
  272. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Prologue
  273. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Between the Lines 1
  274. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Between the Lines 2
  275. 275.0 275.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Between the Lines 4
  276. 276.0 276.1 276.2 276.3 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 1
  277. 277.0 277.1 277.2 277.3 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 2
  278. 278.0 278.1 278.2 278.3 278.4 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 3
  279. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 1 Part 5
  280. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 1 Part 7
  281. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 2 Part 5
  282. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 4
  283. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Chapter 4 Part 3
  284. 284.0 284.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 19 Epilogue
  285. 285.0 285.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Prologue
  286. 286.0 286.1 286.2 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 1
  287. 287.0 287.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 2
  288. 288.0 288.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 3
  289. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Chapter 4
  290. 290.0 290.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 20 Epilogue
  291. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Prologue
  292. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 1
  293. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 2
  294. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 3 Part 1
  295. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 3
  296. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 4
  297. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Prologue
  298. 298.0 298.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 1
  299. 299.0 299.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 2
  300. 300.0 300.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 3
  301. 301.0 301.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Chapter 4
  302. 302.0 302.1 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Reverse
  303. Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 22 Reverse Epilogue
  304. 304.0 304.1 304.2 304.3 304.4 304.5 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 01
  305. 305.0 305.1 305.2 305.3 305.4 305.5 305.6 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02
  306. 306.0 306.1 306.2 306.3 306.4 306.5 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 04
  307. 307.0 307.1 307.2 307.3 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 03
  308. 308.0 308.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 05
  309. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 2 Part 1
  310. 310.0 310.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Prologue
  311. 311.0 311.1 Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 1
  312. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 2
  313. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 3
  314. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 06 Chapter 4
  315. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07
  316. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 1
  317. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 2
  318. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 3
  319. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 07 Chapter 4
  320. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 08
  321. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 09
  322. Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 11